methods_pspatreg {pspatreg}R Documentation

Methods for class pspatreg


The anova function provides tables of fitted 'pspatreg' models including information criteria (AIC and BIC), log-likelihood and degrees of freedom of each fitted model. The argument 'lrtest' allows to perform LR tests between nested models. The print function is used to print short tables including the values of beta and spatial coefficients as well as p-values of significance test for each coefficient. This can be used as an alternative to summary.pspatreg when a brief output is needed. The rest of methods works in the usual way.


## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
anova(object, ..., lrtest = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
fitted(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
logLik(object, ..., REML = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
residuals(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
vcov(object, ..., bayesian = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'pspatreg'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



a 'pspatreg' object created by pspatfit.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


logical value to compute likelihood ratio test for nested models in 'anova' method. Default = 'TRUE'


logical value to get restricted log-likelihood instead of the usual log-likelihood. Default = 'FALSE'


logical value to get bayesian or frequentist covariance matrix for parametric terms. Default = 'FALSE'


similar to object argument for print() and plot functions.


number of digits to show in printed tables. Default: max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


anova: An object of class anova. Can be printed with summary. If argument lrtest = TRUE (default), the object returned includes an LR test for nested models. In this case, a warning message is printed to emphasize that the LR test remains valid only for nested models.

coef: A numeric vector including spatial parameters and parameters corresponding to parametric covariates. Also includes fixed parameters for non-parametric covariates. Can be printed with print.

fitted: A numeric vector including fitted values for the dependent variable.

logLik: An object of class logLik. Can be printed with print. If argument REML = FALSE (default), the object returns the value of log-likelihood function in the optimum. If argument REML = TRUE, the object returns the value of restricted log-likelihood function in the optimum.

residuals: A numeric vector including residuals of the model.

vcov: A matrix including the covariance matrix for the estimated parameters. If argument bayesian = TRUE (default), the covariance matrix is computed using bayesian method. If argument bayesian = FALSE , the covariance matrix is computed using sandwich method. See Fahrmeir et al. (2021) for details.

print: No return value


Roman Minguez
Roberto Basile
Maria Durban
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia



# Examples using spatial data of Ames Houses.
# Getting and preparing the data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames() # Raw Ames Housing Data
ames_sf <- st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
ames_sf$Longitude <- ames$Longitude
ames_sf$Latitude <- ames$Latitude
ames_sf$lnSale_Price <- log(ames_sf$Sale_Price)
ames_sf$lnLot_Area <- log(ames_sf$Lot_Area)
ames_sf$lnTotal_Bsmt_SF <- log(ames_sf$Total_Bsmt_SF+1)
ames_sf$lnGr_Liv_Area <- log(ames_sf$Gr_Liv_Area)
ames_sf1 <- ames_sf[(duplicated(ames_sf$Longitude) == FALSE), ]
####  GAM pure with pspatreg
form1 <- lnSale_Price ~ Fireplaces + Garage_Cars +
          pspl(lnLot_Area, nknots = 20) + 
          pspl(lnTotal_Bsmt_SF, nknots = 20) +
          pspl(lnGr_Liv_Area, nknots = 20)    
gampure <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1)

#' ########### Constructing the spatial weights matrix
coord_sf1 <- cbind(ames_sf1$Longitude, ames_sf1$Latitude)
k5nb <- knn2nb(knearneigh(coord_sf1, k = 5, 
                          longlat = TRUE, use_kd_tree = FALSE), sym = TRUE)
lw_ames <- nb2listw(k5nb, style = "W", 
                  zero.policy = FALSE)

#####################  GAM + SAR Model
gamsar <- pspatfit(form1, data = ames_sf1, 
                   type = "sar", listw = lw_ames,
                   method = "Chebyshev")

### Compare Models
anova(gampure, gamsar, lrtest = FALSE)
## logLikelihood 
## Restricted logLikelihood
logLik(gamsar, REML = TRUE)
## Parametric and spatial coefficients
## Frequentist (sandwich) covariance matrix 
## (parametric terms)
vcov(gamsar, bayesian = FALSE)      
## Bayesian covariance matrix (parametric terms)
#### Fitted Values and Residuals
     xlab = 'fitted values', 
     ylab = "unrate",
     type = "p", cex.lab = 1.3, 
     cex.main = 1.3,
     main = "Fitted Values gamsar model")      
plot(gamsar$fitted.values, gamsar$residuals, 
     xlab = 'fitted values', ylab = "residuals",
     type = "p", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.main=1.3,
     main = "Residuals geospsar model")


[Package pspatreg version 1.1.2 Index]