psp_control {psp}R Documentation

Control the behaviour of the psp_global implementation


psp_control allows users to define characteristics of the parameter space partitioning MCMC algorithm as implemented in psp_global.


psp_control(radius = 0.1, init, lower, upper,
           pop = 400, cl = NULL,
           param_names = NULL,
           parallel = FALSE,
           cluster_names = NULL,
           export_objects = NULL,
           export_libs = NULL,
           iterations = 1000)



The radius of the hypershere with n-dimensions to sample from. Must be a double or a numeric vector, where elements correspond to parameters in 'init, lower, upper'. Default is 0.1.


A vector of parameters to use as the first jumping distribution.

lower, upper

Vectors specifiying the lower and upper boundaries of the parameter space for each parameter. The i-th element of lower and upper bounds applies to the i-th parameter.


The minimum population psp_global aims to find for each ordinal pattern discovered. This can stop the parameter search early in case the population of all ordinal pattern are equal to or larger than pop. If you do not want to use this option, set it to NULL or Inf. Default is 400.


If TRUE, uses the parallel package to run evaluations of jumping distributions for each chain parallel. Default value is FALSE.


If parallel is TRUE, the number of cores to use for makeCluster from the parallel package. If null (default), use all cores.


A character vector that includes the names of each parameter. If NULL (default), a character vector is generated with parameter_1, parameter_2, parameter_3, ...


Maintained for backwards-compatibility. See export_objects below.


A character vector that includes all of the objects to be loaded into each cluster. It is handled by parallel::clusterExports. Default is NULL.


A character vector that includes all the packages to be loaded into each cluster. It is handled by parallel::clusterExports. Default is NULL.


The number of global iterations for psp_global. Default is 1000.


Returns a control list suitable for psp_global with the above elements.


# two parameter model
psp_control(lower = rep(0, 2), upper = rep(1, 2), init = rep(0.5, 2),
           radius = rep(0.25, 2), cluster_names = NULL,
           parallel = FALSE, iterations = 500)

[Package psp version 1.0.0 Index]