nri_cox {psfmi}R Documentation

Net Reclassification Index for Cox Regression Models


nri_cox Net Reclassification Index for Cox Regression Models


nri_cox(data, formula0, formula1, t_risk, cutoff, B = FALSE, nboot = 10)



Data frame with relevant predictors


A formula object to specify the reference model as normally used by glm. See under "Details" and "Examples" how these can be specified.


A formula object to specify the new model as normally used by glm.


Follow-up value to calculate cases, controls. See details.


A numerical vector that defines the outcome probability cutoff values.


A logical scalar. If TRUE bootstrap confidence intervals are calculated, if FALSE only the NRI estimates are reported.


A numerical scalar. Number of bootstrap samples to derive the percentile bootstrap confidence intervals. Default is 10.


A typical formula object has the form Outcome ~ terms. Categorical variables has to be defined as Outcome ~ factor(variable), restricted cubic spline variables as Outcome ~ rcs(variable, 3). Interaction terms can be defined as Outcome ~ variable1*variable2 or Outcome ~ variable1 + variable2 + variable1:variable2. All variables in the terms part have to be separated by a "+". If a formula object is used set predictors, cat.predictors, spline.predictors or int.predictors at the default value of NULL.

Follow-up for which cases nd controls are determined. For censored cases before this follow-up the expected risk of being a case is calculated by using the Kaplan-Meier value to calculate the expected number of cases.These expected numbers are used to calculate the NRI proportions but are not shown by function nricens.


An object from which the following objects can be extracted:


Martijn Heymans, 2023


Cook NR, Ridker PM. Advances in measuring the effect of individual predictors of cardiovascular risk: the role of reclassification measures. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150(11):795-802.

Steyerberg EW, Pencina MJ. Reclassification calculations for persons with incomplete follow-up. Ann Intern Med. 2010;152(3):195-6; author reply 196-7.

Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB Sr, Steyerberg EW. Extensions of net reclassification improvement calculations to measure usefulness of new biomarkers. Stat Med. 2011;30(1):11-21

Inoue E (2018). nricens: NRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and Binary Response Data. R package version 1.6, <>.


  lbpmicox1 <- subset(psfmi::lbpmicox, Impnr==1) # extract one dataset
  risk_est <- nri_cox(data=lbpmicox1, formula0 = Surv(Time, Status) ~ Duration + Pain,
                   formula1 = Surv(Time, Status) ~ Duration + Pain + Function + Radiation,
                   t_risk = 80, cutoff=c(0.45), B=TRUE, nboot=10)

[Package psfmi version 1.4.0 Index]