AutomatedCompositePlotting |
Automated plotting of time series, PSD, and log transformed PSD |
CountWindows |
Create a contingency table to display how many windows (dataframes) fall into particular categories |
FindHomogeneousWindows |
Assess if window (dataframe) share certain features across all observations |
GenerateExampleData |
Produce example data set for demonstrating package functions |
GetHomogeneousWindows |
Get windows (dataframes) that have the same specified column values for all observations |
GetSubsetOfWindows |
Select only windows (dataframes) where a specified column matches a specified value |
GetSubsetOfWindowsTwoLevels |
Select only windows (dataframes) where a two specified columns must match specified values |
IdentifyMaxOnXY |
Given a xy plot. Find the maximum value on the plot |
MakeCompositePSDForAllWindows |
Make PSD for each window (dataframe) in a list and then find the average of all the PSDs |
MakeCompositeXYPlotForAllWindows |
Find averaged xy plots |
MakeOneSidedAmplitudeSpectrum |
Create a one sided amplitude spectrum using time series data |
MakePowerSpectralDensity |
Create a power spectral density (PSD) plot using time series data |
PSDDominantFrequencyForMultipleWindows |
Calculate dominant frequency for multiple PSDs for a single frequency range |
PSDIdentifyDominantFrequency |
Given a time series vector, create a PSD and find the dominant frequency |
PSDIntegrationPerFreqBin |
Given a time series vector, generate a PSD, then calculate integration for specified bins |
SingleBinPSDIntegrationForMultipleWindows |
Calculate integral for multiple PSDs for a single frequency bin |
SingleBinPSDIntegrationOrDominantFreqComparison |
Given sets of windows (dataframes) corresponding to different combos, see if the integration or dominant frequency of a specific frequency range is significantly different between the combos |