psbcFL {psbcGroup} | R Documentation |
Function to Fit the Penalized Semiparametric Bayesian Cox Model with Fused Lasso Prior
Penalized semiparametric Bayesian Cox (PSBC) model with fused lasso prior is implemented to analyze survival data with high-dimensional covariates.
psbcFL(survObj, priorPara, initial, rw=FALSE, mcmcPara, num.reps,
thin, chain = 1, save = 1000)
survObj |
The list containing observed data from |
priorPara |
The list containing prior parameter values;
initial |
The list containing the starting values of the parameters;
rw |
When setting to "TRUE", the conventional random walk Metropolis Hastings algorithm is used. Otherwise, the mean and the variance of the proposal density is updated using the jumping rule described in Lee et al. (2011). |
mcmcPara |
The list containing the values of options for Metropolis-Hastings step for |
num.reps |
the number of iterations of the chain |
thin |
thinning |
chain |
the numeric name of chain in the case when running multiple chains. |
save |
frequency of storing the results in .Rdata file. For example, by setting "save = 1000", the algorithm saves the results every 1000 iterations. |
t | a vector of n times to the event |
di | a vector of n censoring indicators for the event time (1=event occurred, 0=censored) |
x | covariate matrix, n observations by p variables |
eta0 | scale parameter of gamma process prior for the cumulative baseline hazard,
kappa0 | shape parameter of gamma process prior for the cumulative baseline hazard,
c0 | the confidence parameter of gamma process prior for the cumulative baseline hazard,
r1 | the shape parameter of the gamma prior for
r2 | the shape parameter of the gamma prior for
delta1 | the rate parameter of the gamma prior for
delta2 | the rate parameter of the gamma prior for
s | the set of time partitions for specification of the cumulative baseline hazard function |
beta.ini | the starting values for
lambda1Sq | the starting value for
lambda2Sq | the starting value for
sigmaSq | the starting value for
tauSq | the starting values for
h | the starting values for
wSq | the starting values for
numBeta | the number of components in to be updated at one iteration |
beta.prop.var | the variance of the proposal density for when rw is set to "TRUE" |
returns an object of class psbcFL
beta.p |
posterior samples for |
h.p |
posterior samples for |
tauSq.p |
posterior samples for |
mcmcOutcome |
The list containing posterior samples for the remaining model parameters |
If the prespecified value of save
is less than that of num.reps
, the results are saved
as .Rdata
file under the directory working directory/mcmcOutcome
Kyu Ha Lee, Sounak Chakraborty, (Tony) Jianguo Sun
Lee, K. H., Chakraborty, S., and Sun, J. (2011).
Bayesian Variable Selection in Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model for High Dimensional Survival Data.
The International Journal of Biostatistics, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 1-32.
Lee, K. H., Chakraborty, S., and Sun, J. (2015). Survival Prediction and Variable Selection with Simultaneous Shrinkage and Grouping Priors. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 114-127.
## Not run:
# generate some survival data
p = 20
n = 100
beta.true <- c(rep(4, 10), rep(0, (p-10)))
CovX<- diag(0.1, p)
survObj <- list()
survObj$x <- apply(rmvnorm(n, sigma=CovX, method="chol"), 2, scale)
pred <- as.vector(exp(rowSums(scale(survObj$x, center = FALSE, scale = 1/beta.true))))
t <- rexp(n, rate = pred)
cen <- runif(n, 0, 8)
survObj$t <- pmin(t, cen)
survObj$di <- as.numeric(t <= cen)
priorPara <- list()
priorPara$eta0 <- 2
priorPara$kappa0 <- 2
priorPara$c0 <- 2
priorPara$r1 <- 0.5
priorPara$r2 <- 0.5
priorPara$delta1 <- 0.0001
priorPara$delta2 <- 0.0001
priorPara$s <- sort(survObj$t[survObj$di == 1])
priorPara$s <- c(priorPara$s, 2*max(survObj$t)
priorPara$J <- length(priorPara$s)
mcmcPara <- list()
mcmcPara$numBeta <- p
mcmcPara$beta.prop.var <- 1
initial <- list()
initial$beta.ini <- rep(0.5, p)
initial$lambda1Sq <- 1
initial$lambda2Sq <- 1
initial$sigmaSq <- runif(1, 0.1, 10)
initial$tauSq <- rexp(p, rate = initial$lambda1Sq/2)
initial$h <- rgamma(priorPara$J, 1, 1)
initial$wSq <- rexp((p-1), rate = initial$lambda2Sq/2)
rw = FALSE
num.reps = 20000
chain = 1
thin = 5
save = 5
fitFL <- psbcFL(survObj, priorPara, initial, rw=FALSE, mcmcPara,
num.reps, thin, chain, save)
vs <- VS(fitFL, X=survObj$x)
## End(Not run)