Bayesian Information Borrowing with Propensity Score Matching

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Documentation for package ‘psBayesborrow’ version 1.1.0

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psBayesborrow-package The 'psBayesborrow' package.
commensurate.bin Bayesian analysis with commensurate prior for binary outcome
commensurate.cont Bayesian analysis with commensurate prior for continuous outcome
commensurate.t2e Bayesian analysis with commensurate prior for time-to-event outcome
datagen Generate multivariate correlated data
psBayesborrow The 'psBayesborrow' package.
psborrow.bin Simulation study of hybrid control design with Bayesian dynamic borrowing incorporating propensity score matched external control: binary outcome
psborrow.cont Simulation study of hybrid control design with Bayesian dynamic borrowing incorporating propensity score matched external control: continuous outcome
psborrow.summary Summarizing simulation study results
psborrow.t2e Simulation study of hybrid control design with Bayesian dynamic borrowing incorporating propensity score matched external control: time-to-event outcome
psmatch Propensity score matching
trial.simulation.bin Simulating binary data for current trial and external control
trial.simulation.cont Simulating continuous data for current trial and external control
trial.simulation.t2e Simulating time-to-event data for current trial and external control