Tools for Computing on the Language

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Documentation for package ‘pryr’ version 0.1.6

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%.% Compose multiple functions
%<a-% Create an active binding.
%<c-% Create a constant (locked) binding.
%<d-% Create an delayed binding.
address Inspect internal attributes of R objects.
ast Display a call (or expression) as a tree.
bits Print the byte-wise representation of a value
bytes Print the byte-wise representation of a value
call_tree Display a call (or expression) as a tree.
compare_size Compute the size of an object.
compose Compose multiple functions
dots Capture unevaluated dots.
do_call Make and evaluate calls.
enclosing_env Find the environment that encloses of a function.
eval2 Tools for making promises explicit
explicit Tools for making promises explicit
f A compact syntax for anonymous functions.
fget Find a function with specified name.
find_funs Find functions matching criteria.
find_uses Find all functions in that call supplied functions.
ftype Determine function type.
fun_args Find functions matching criteria.
fun_body Find functions matching criteria.
fun_calls Find functions matching criteria.
inspect Inspect internal attributes of R objects.
is_active_binding Active binding info
is_promise Promise info
make_call Make and evaluate calls.
make_function Make a function from its components.
mem_change Determine change in memory from running code
mem_used How much memory is currently used by R?
method_from_call Given a function class, find correspoding S4 method
modify_call Modify the arguments of a call.
modify_lang Recursively modify a language object
named_dots Capture unevaluated dots.
object_size Compute the size of an object.
otype Determine object type.
parent_promise Find the parent (first) promise.
parenv Get parent/ancestor environment
parenvs Given an environment or object, return an 'envlist' of its parent environments.
partial Partial apply a function, filling in some arguments.
promise_info Promise info
rebind Rebind an existing name.
refs Inspect internal attributes of R objects.
rls Recursive ls.
sexp_type Inspect internal attributes of R objects.
show_c_source Find C source code for internal R functions
standardise_call Standardise a function call
subs A version of substitute that works in the global environment.
substitute_q A version of substitute that evaluates its first argument.
track_copy Track if an object is copied
typename Inspect internal attributes of R objects.
unenclose Unenclose a closure.
uneval Capture the call associated with a promise.
where Find where a name is defined.