Miscellaneous Functions for Processing and Sample Selection of Spectroscopic Data

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Documentation for package ‘prospectr’ version 0.2.7

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prospectr-package Overview of the functions in the prospectr package
baseline baseline
binning Signal binning
blockNorm Sum of squares block weighting
blockScale Hard or soft block scaling
cochranTest Cochran _C_ Test
continuumRemoval Continuum Removal
detrend Detrending spectral data
duplex DUPLEX algorithm for calibration sampling
gapDer Gap-Segment derivative
honigs Honigs algorithm for calibration sampling
kenStone Kennard-Stone algorithm for calibration sampling
movav Moving average
msc Multiplicative Scatter Correction (msc)
naes k-means sampling
NIRsoil NIRSoil
prospectr Overview of the functions in the prospectr package
puchwein Puchwein algorithm for calibration sampling
readASD Read ASD FieldSpec Pro binary and ASCII files
read_nircal Import BUCHI NIRCal files
resample Resample spectral data
resample2 Resample a high resolution signal to a low resolution signal using full width half maximum (FWHM) values
savitzkyGolay Savitzky-Golay smoothing and differentiation
shenkWest SELECT algorithm for calibration sampling
spliceCorrection Splice correction of a spectral matrix acquired with an ASD spectrometer
standardNormalVariate Standard normal variate transformation