bigcor |
Creating very large correlation/covariance matrices |
colVarsC |
Fast column- and row-wise versions of variance coded in C++ |
cor2cov |
Converting a correlation matrix into a covariance matrix |
evalDerivs |
Utility functions for creating Gradient- and Hessian-like matrices with symbolic derivatives and evaluating them in an environment |
fitDistr |
Fitting distributions to observations/Monte Carlo simulations |
H.2 |
Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008) |
H.3 |
Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008) |
H.4 |
Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008) |
interval |
Uncertainty propagation based on interval arithmetics |
kurtosis |
Skewness and (excess) Kurtosis of a vector of values |
makeDat |
Create a dataframe from the variables defined in an expression |
makeGrad |
Utility functions for creating Gradient- and Hessian-like matrices with symbolic derivatives and evaluating them in an environment |
makeHess |
Utility functions for creating Gradient- and Hessian-like matrices with symbolic derivatives and evaluating them in an environment |
mixCov |
Aggregating covariances matrices and/or error vectors into a single covariance matrix |
numGrad |
Functions for creating Gradient and Hessian matrices by numerical differentiation (Richardson's method) of the partial derivatives |
numHess |
Functions for creating Gradient and Hessian matrices by numerical differentiation (Richardson's method) of the partial derivatives |
plot.propagate |
Plotting function for 'propagate' objects |
predictNLS |
Confidence/prediction intervals for (weighted) nonlinear models based on uncertainty propagation |
propagate |
Propagation of uncertainty using higher-order Taylor expansion and Monte Carlo simulation |
rDistr |
Creating random samples from a variety of useful distributions |
rowVarsC |
Fast column- and row-wise versions of variance coded in C++ |
skewness |
Skewness and (excess) Kurtosis of a vector of values |
statVec |
Transform an input vector into one with defined mean and standard deviation |
stochContr |
Stochastic contribution analysis of Monte Carlo simulation-derived propagated uncertainty |
summary.propagate |
Summary function for 'propagate' objects |
WelchSatter |
Welch-Satterthwaite approximation to the 'effective degrees of freedom' |