projects_stage {projects}R Documentation

projects_stage vector


Objects of this class are merely a character string containing a number and a name of one of seven project development stages.


projects_stage(x = character())

match.projects_stage(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage,ANY'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,projects_stage'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage,projects_stage'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

`%in%.projects_stage`(x, table)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage'
x %in% table



For projects_stage(), an integer or character vector. For

For match() and %in%, an integer, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match() and Comparison and value matching methods below.


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match() and Comparison and value matching methods below.


See match().


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match().


A projects_stage object is either a missing value (NA) or one of:

0: idea
1: design
2: data collection
3: analysis
4: manuscript
5: under review
6: accepted

projects_stage() validates and coerces a vector of the above integers or strings to a projects_stage S3 vector.


For projects_stage(), an S3 vector of class projects_stage.

Numeric coercion methods

as.integer(), as.double(), and as.numeric() return the stage number of the projects_stage object as an integer/double. The methods for the comparison and value matching functions described below make use of these numeric coercion methods. Users desiring to apply value matching functions other than the ones described below may similarly take advantage of these.

Comparison and value matching methods

Methods for the Comparison operators as well as match() and %in% enable users to test equality and to value match among projects_stage objects and as well as between projects_stage objects and unclassed numbers/characters. When comparing or value matching against a numeric vector, the projects_stage object is first coerced to an integer with the as.integer() method described above. When testing or value matching against a character vector, the character vector is validated against the list of project stages enumerated above.

See Also

Ops; Methods_for_Nongenerics.


stage <- projects_stage("4: manuscript")

as.integer(stage) # 4

stage == 4       # TRUE
stage != 4       # FALSE
stage <  6       # TRUE

stage %in% c(3:6)  # TRUE
match(stage, 0:4)  # 5

stage %in% c("design", "manusc", "idea")  # TRUE

more_stages <- projects_stage(c("0: idea", "4: manuscript", "1: design"))

match("MAnuscRIPT", more_stages)      # 2

[Package projects version 2.1.3 Index]