new_edit_delete {projects}R Documentation

Create, edit or delete projects, authors and affiliations


These functions create, edit, or delete rows in the projects(), authors(), and affiliations() tables, which are stored in the .metadata subdirectory of the main projects folder.


  title = NA,
  current_owner = NA,
  stage = c("1: design", "2: data collection", "3: analysis", "4: manuscript",
    "5: under review", "6: accepted", "0: idea"),
  status = "just created",
  short_title = NA,
  authors = NULL,
  corresp_auth = NA,
  creator = NA,
  deadline_type = NA,
  deadline = NA,
  id = NA,
  folder_name = paste0("p", stringr::str_pad(id, 4, pad = "0")),
  parent_directory = projects_folder(),
  make_directories = FALSE,
  template_folder = "default_folder"

new_idea(title, status = "just an idea", ...)

  given_names = NA,
  last_name = NA,
  title = NA,
  affiliations = NULL,
  degree = NA,
  email = NA,
  phone = NA,
  id = NA

  department_name = NA,
  institution_name = NA,
  address = NA,
  id = NA

  title = NULL,
  short_title = NULL,
  authors = NULL,
  current_owner = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  deadline_type = NULL,
  deadline = NULL,
  stage = NULL,
  corresp_auth = NULL,
  creator = NULL,
  archived = FALSE

  given_names = NULL,
  last_name = NULL,
  affiliations = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  degree = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  phone = NULL

  department_name = NULL,
  institution_name = NULL,
  address = NULL

delete_project(project, archived = FALSE)





For new_project(), new_idea(), and edit_project(), the title of the project.

For the new_author() and edit_author(), the job title of the author.

current_owner, corresp_auth, creator

An id or unambiguous last_name/given_names of one of the authors in the authors() table, which will be coerced into a projects_author-class object.

If corresp_auth is specified, this author's contact information will be especially included in the output of header().

If creator is left blank, the numeric portion of the resulting projects_author-class object will be 0:, followed by the value of["user"] (e.g., 0: user_j_smith).


A number or string that will partially match exactly one of c("1: design", "2: data collection", "3: analysis", "4: manuscript", "5: under review", "6: accepted", "0: ideas"), communicating the stage the project is in. This will be coerced to be a character vector of class projects_stage.

For new_project(), defaults to "1: design".

See projects_stage-class.


A free text field, intended to communicate the most current condition the project is in.

For new_project(), default is "just created". For new_idea(), default is "just an idea".


A nickname for the project. Can be used in other projects package functions whenever needing to specify a project.

authors, affiliations

For new_project()/new_author(), a vector of ids or unambiguous given_names/last_name or department_name/institution_name of authors/affiliations. Order will be preserved.

For edit_project()/edit_author(), a formula specifying authors/affiliations to add or remove from the project/author. Formulas must have no left-hand side (i.e., begin with ~) and use + to add and - to remove (see formula).

Authors and affiliations may be specified by id or name. Each element must match an existing row in the authors()/affiliations() table.


A free text field, intended to communicate the meaning of the next field, deadline.


A POSIXct object or something coercible to one (via lubridate::as_datetime()).


An integer that will become the item's permanent identification number. Must be in the range 1-9999 or left blank. If left blank, the lowest available integer in the aforementioned range will be selected.


A character string that can serve as a valid directory name. By default, it is "p" followed by the project id number left-filled with "0" until the number is four digits long.


A character string that can be read as a file path. Can be either:

  1. the absolute path of the projects folder (i.e., the value of projects_folder(), which is the default)

  2. an absolute path pointing to a subfolder within the projects folder

  3. a relative path (leading "." optional) that will be appended onto the end of the value of projects_folder().

In any case, the result is that the new project folder will be a subdirectory of the main projects folder. See also setup_projects().


Logical, indicating whether or not new_project() should create subdirectories specified in the path argument that do not already exist. Ignored if path is left as the default or if all directories in path already exist.


A character string naming a folder in the .templates folder that will be copied into the projects folder as the new project folder, renamed according to the value of the folder_name argument. See also Details below.


Additional arguments to be passed to new_project()

given_names, last_name, department_name, institution_name

Each a single character string. Can be used whenever needing to specify a specific author/affiliation.


A character string (preferably an abbreviation) denoting the author's academic degree(s). Will be written next to author names when header() is run.

email, phone

A character string denoting the email/phone of the author. Email will be coerced to lowercase. When a project is given a corresp_auth, email will be included in "Corresponding author:" section written by header().


A character string indicating the address of the affiliation.

project, author, affiliation

The id or unambiguous name(s) of a project/author/affiliation to edit_*() or to delete_*().


Logical indicating whether or not the function should consider archived projects when determining which project the user is referring to in the project argument. FALSE by default.

See the Details section of archive_project() for more information on the "archived" status of a project.


new_project() copies the folder in the .templates folder named by the template_name argument into the projects folder, giving it the name specified by the folder_name argument. It then creates a line in the projects() table for the newly created project, filling many of its fields with the contents of corresponding arguments of this function. See setup_projects() for more information on the .templates folder.

delete_project() deletes project folders and removes their line from the projects() table.

The edit_*() functions and the other new_*() and delete_*() functions only create or edit rows in the .metadata tables.

new_idea() is a convenience function for quickly creating projects in the "0: idea" stage.


new_affiliation() and edit_affiliation() simply return the new or edited row of the affiliations() tibble.

new_project(), new_author(), edit_project(), edit_author(), and the delete_*() functions invisibly return the row of the corresponding metadata tibble that was added/edited/deleted, although the contents of this row are printed as a side-effect along with the other relevant information where applicable (e.g., project authors, author affiliations, project file paths).

new_idea() returns the id, title, and status columns of the newly created row of the projects() tibble.


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)

# Creating affiliations
new_affiliation(department_name = "Math Dept.",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "123 College St, Springfield, AB")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Art Department",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "321 University Boulevard, Springfield, AB",
                id = 42)

# Editing an affiliation
edit_affiliation("Math Dept", department_name = "Mathematics Department")

# Creating authors
  given_names = "Rosetta",
  last_name = "Stone",
  affiliations = c(42, "Math"),
  degree = "PhD",
  email = "",
  phone = "867-555-5309",
  id = 8888
  given_names = "Spiro",
  last_name = "Agnew",
  degree = "LLB",
  affiliations = "Art D", id = 13
new_author(last_name = "Plato", id = 303)

# Editing an author, showcasing the removal of a text element (last_name)
edit_author(author = 303, given_names = "Plato", last_name = NA)

# Editing an author, showcasing the addition and removal of affiliations
edit_author("Spiro", affiliations = ~ -"Art D" + Math)

# Creating a project
  title = "Understanding the Construction of the United States",
  short_title = "USA",
  authors = c(13, "Stone"),
  stage = 4,
  deadline = "2055-02-28",
  deadline_type = "submission",
  parent_directory = "famous_studied/philosophers/rocks",
  corresp_auth = "Stone",
  current_owner = "agnew",
  make_directories = TRUE,
  status = "waiting on IRB"

# Editing a project, showcasing the addition and removal of authors
  short_title = "usa1",
  authors = ~ + "303" - 13 - Stone

new_idea(title = "Boiling the Ocean")

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
# and fails automated package checking and testing.
if (interactive()) {

Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

[Package projects version 2.1.3 Index]