progenyClust-package {progenyClust}R Documentation

Finding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny Clustering


Implementing the Progeny Clustering algorithm based on Hu, Chenyue W., et al. "Progeny Clustering: A Method to Identify Biological Phenotypes." Scientific Reports 5 (2015), the progenyClust package assesses the clustering stability and identifies the optimal clustering number for a given data matrix. It uses kmeans clustering as default, but can be customized to work with other clustering algorithms and different parameter settings. The package includes one main function progenyClust(), plot and summary methods for "progenyClust" object, and two example dataset ("test" and "cell") for testing.


Package: progenyclust
Version: 1.1
Date: 2015-11-24
License: AGPL-3
Imports: Hmisc
Depends: graphics, stats


C.W. Hu, Rice University
Maintainer: C.W. Hu <>


Hu, C.W., et al. "Progeny Clustering: A Method to Identify Biological Phenotypes." Scientific reports 5 (2015).

[Package progenyClust version 1.2 Index]