prodestACF {prodest}R Documentation

Estimate productivity - Ackerberg-Caves-Frazer correction


The prodestACF() function accepts at least 6 objects (id, time, output, free, state and proxy variables), and returns a prod object of class S3 with three elements: (i) a list of model-related objects, (ii) a list with the data used in the estimation and estimated vectors of first-stage residuals, and (iii) a list with the estimated parameters and their bootstrapped standard errors .


  prodestACF(Y, fX, sX, pX, idvar, timevar, R = 20, cX = NULL,
            opt = 'optim', theta0 = NULL, cluster = NULL)



the vector of value added log output.


the vector/matrix/dataframe of log free variables.


the vector/matrix/dataframe of log state variables.


the vector/matrix/dataframe of log proxy variables.


the vector/matrix/dataframe of control variables. By default cX= NULL.


the vector/matrix/dataframe identifying individual panels.


the vector/matrix/dataframe identifying time.


the number of block bootstrap repetitions to be performed in the standard error estimation. By default R = 20.


a string with the optimization algorithm to be used during the estimation. By default opt = 'optim'.


a vector with the second stage optimization starting points. By default theta0 = NULL and the optimization is run starting from the first stage estimated parameters + N(0,0.01)N(0,0.01) noise.


an object of class "SOCKcluster" or "cluster". By default cluster = NULL.


Consider a Cobb-Douglas production technology for firm ii at time tt

where yity_{it} is the (log) output, w_it a 1xJ vector of (log) free variables, k_it is a 1xK vector of state variables and ϵit\epsilon_{it} is a normally distributed idiosyncratic error term. The unobserved technical efficiency parameter ωit\omega_{it} evolves according to a first-order Markov process:

and uitu_{it} is a random shock component assumed to be uncorrelated with the technical efficiency, the state variables in kitk_{it} and the lagged free variables wit1w_{it-1}. ACF propose an estimation algorithm alternative to OP and LP procedures claiming that the labour demand and the control function are partially collinear. It is based on the following set of assumptions:

Under this set of assumptions, the first stage is meant to remove the shock ϵit\epsilon_{it} from the the output, yity_{it}. As in the OP/LP case, the inverted policy function replaces the productivity term ωit\omega_{it} in the production function:

which is estimated by a non-parametric approach - First Stage. Exploiting the Markovian nature of the productivity process one can use assumption d) in order to set up the relevant moment conditions and estimate the production function parameters - Second stage.


The output of the function prodestACF is a member of the S3 class prod. More precisely, is a list (of length 3) containing the following elements:

Model, a list with elements:

Data, a list with elements:

Estimates, a list with elements:

Members of class prod have an omega method returning a numeric object with the estimated productivity - that is: ωit=yit(α+witβ+kitγ)\omega_{it} = y_{it} - (\alpha + w_{it}\beta + k_{it}\gamma). FSres method returns a numeric object with the residuals of the first stage regression, while summary, show and coef methods are implemented and work as usual.


Gabriele Rovigatti


Ackerberg, D., Caves, K. and Frazer, G. (2015). "Identification properties of recent production function estimators." Econometrica, 83(6), 2411-2451.



    ## Chilean data on production.The full version is Publicly available at
    ## series_estadisticas/series_estadisticas_enia.php


    # we fit a model with two free (skilled and unskilled), one state (capital)
    # and one proxy variable (electricity) <- prodestACF(chilean$Y, fX = cbind(chilean$fX1, chilean$fX2), chilean$sX,
                          chilean$pX, chilean$idvar, chilean$timevar,
                          theta0 = c(.5,.5,.5), R = 5)
      set.seed(154673) <- prodestACF(chilean$Y, fX = cbind(chilean$fX1, chilean$fX2), chilean$sX,
                            chilean$pX, chilean$idvar, chilean$timevar,
                            theta0 = c(.5,.5,.5), opt = 'solnp')

      # run the same regression in parallel
      # nCores <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")) # Windows systems
      nCores <- 3
      cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", nCores - 1))
      set.seed(154673) <- prodestACF(chilean$Y, fX = cbind(chilean$fX1, chilean$fX2), chilean$sX,
                                chilean$pX, chilean$idvar, chilean$timevar,
                                theta0 = c(.5,.5,.5), cluster = cl)

      # show results

       # show results in .tex tabular format

[Package prodest version 1.0.1 Index]