Process Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘processpredictR’ version 0.1.0

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processpredictR-package processpredictR
confusion_matrix Confusion matrix for predictions
create_model Define transformer model
create_vocabulary Create a vocabulary
get_vocabulary Utils
max_case_length Calculate the maximum length of a case / number of activities in the longest trace in an event log
num_outputs Calculate number of outputs (target variables)
plot.ppred_predictions Plot Methods
ppred_examples_df ppred_examples_df object
ppred_model ppred_model object
ppred_predictions ppred_predictions object
prepare_examples Convert a dataset of type 'log' into a preprocessed format.
print.ppred_model Print methods
processpredictR processpredictR
split_train_test Splits the preprocessed 'data.frame'.
stack_layers Stacks a keras layer on top of existing model
tokenize Tokenize features and target of a processed dataset of class 'ppred_examples_df'
vocab_size Calculate the vocabulary size, i.e. the sum of number of activities, outcome labels and padding keys