'Prevision.io' R SDK

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Documentation for package ‘previsionio’ version 11.7.0

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-- C --

create_connector Create a new connector of a supported type (among: "SQL", "FTP", "SFTP", "S3", "GCP"). If check_if_exist is enabled, the function will check if a connector with the same name already exists. If yes, it will return a message and the information of the existing connector instead of creating a new one.
create_contact_point Create a new contact point of a supported type (among: "email", "slack").
create_dataframe_from_dataset Create a dataframe from a dataset_id.
create_dataset_embedding Create a dataset embedding from a dataset_id.
create_dataset_from_dataframe Upload dataset from data frame.
create_dataset_from_datasource Create a dataset from an existing datasource.
create_dataset_from_file Upload dataset from file name.
create_datasource Create a new datasource If check_if_exist is enabled, the function will check if a datasource with the same name already exists. If yes, it will return a message and the information of the existing datasource instead of creating a new one.
create_deployment_api_key Create a new API key for a deployed model.
create_deployment_model Create a new deployment for a model.
create_deployment_predictions Create predictions on a deployed model using a dataset.
create_experiment Create a new experiment. If check_if_exist is enabled, the function will check if an experiment with the same name already exists. If yes, it will return a message and the information of the existing experiment instead of creating a new one.
create_experiment_version Create a new version of an existing experiment.
create_export Export data using an existing exporter and the resource to export
create_exporter Create a new exporter
create_folder Upload folder from a local file.
create_pipeline_trigger Trigger an existing pipeline run.
create_prediction Create a prediction on a specified experiment_version
create_project Create a new project. If check_if_exist is enabled, the function will check if a project with the same name already exists. If yes, it will return a message and the information of the existing project instead of creating a new one.
create_project_user Add user in and existing project.

-- D --

delete_connector Delete an existing connector.
delete_contact_point Delete an existing contact_point
delete_dataset Delete an existing dataset.
delete_datasource Delete a datasource
delete_deployment Delete an existing deployment.
delete_experiment Delete a experiment on the platform.
delete_exporter Delete an exporter
delete_folder Delete an existing folder.
delete_pipeline Delete an existing pipeline
delete_prediction Delete a prediction.
delete_project Delete an existing project.
delete_project_user Delete user in and existing project.

-- G --

get_best_model_id Get the model_id that provide the best predictive performance given experiment_version_id. If include_blend is false, it will return the model_id from the best "non blended" model.
get_connectors Get information of all connectors available for a given project_id.
get_connector_id_from_name Get a connector_id from a connector_name for a given project_id. If duplicated name, the first connector_id that match it is retrieved.
get_connector_info Get information about connector from its id.
get_contact_points Get information of all contact points available for a given project_id.
get_contact_point_info Get a contact point information from its contact_point_id.
get_datasets Get information of all datasets available for a given project_id.
get_dataset_embedding Get a dataset embedding from a dataset_id.
get_dataset_head Show the head of a dataset from its id.
get_dataset_id_from_name Get a dataset_id from a dataset_name. If duplicated name, the first dataset_id that match it is retrieved.
get_dataset_info Get a dataset from its id.
get_datasources Get information of all data sources available for a given project_id.
get_datasource_id_from_name Get a datasource_id from a datasource_name If duplicated name, the first datasource_id that match it is retrieved
get_datasource_info Get a datasource from its id.
get_deployments Get information of all deployments of a given type available for a given project_id.
get_deployment_alerts Get information of all alerts related to a deployment_id.
get_deployment_alert_id_from_name Get a deployment_alert_id from a name and type for a given deployment_id.
get_deployment_alert_info Get information about a deployment_alert for a given deployed model.
get_deployment_api_keys Get API keys for a deployed model.
get_deployment_app_logs Get logs from a deployed app.
get_deployment_id_from_name Get a deployment_id from a name and type for a given project_id. If duplicated name, the first deployment_id that match it is retrieved.
get_deployment_info Get information about a deployment from its id.
get_deployment_predictions Get listing of predictions related to a deployment_id.
get_deployment_prediction_info Get information related to predictions of a prediction_id.
get_deployment_usage Get usage (calls, errors and response time) of the last version of a deployed model.
get_experiments Get information of all experiments available for a given project_id.
get_experiment_id_from_name Get a experiment_id from a experiment_name If duplicated name, the first experiment_id that match it is retrieved.
get_experiment_info Get a experiment from its experiment_id.
get_experiment_version_features Get features information related to a experiment_version_id.
get_experiment_version_id Get a experiment version id from a experiment_id and its version number.
get_experiment_version_info Get a experiment_version info from its experiment_version_id
get_experiment_version_models Get a model list related to a experiment_version_id.
get_experiment_version_predictions Get a list of prediction from a experiment_version_id.
get_exporters Get information of all exporters available for a given project_id.
get_exporter_exports Get all exports done from an exporter_id
get_exporter_id_from_name Get a exporter_id from a exporter_name. If duplicated name, the first exporter_id that match it is retrieved
get_exporter_info Get an exporter from its id.
get_features_infos Get information of a given feature related to a experiment_version_id.
get_folder Get a folder from its id.
get_folders Get information of all image folders available for a given project_id.
get_folder_id_from_name Get a folder_id from a folder_name. If duplicated name, the first folder_id that match it is retrieved.
get_model_cv Get the cross validation file from a specific model.
get_model_feature_importance Get feature importance corresponding to a model_id.
get_model_hyperparameters Get hyperparameters corresponding to a model_id.
get_model_infos Get model information corresponding to a model_id.
get_pipelines Get information of all pipelines of a given type available for a given project_id.
get_pipeline_id_from_name Get a pipeline_id from a pipeline_name and type for a given project_id. If duplicated name, the first pipeline_id that match it is retrieved.
get_pipeline_info Get information about a pipeline from its id and its type.
get_prediction Get a specific prediction from a prediction_id. Wait up until time_out is reached and wait wait_time between each retry.
get_prediction_infos Get a information about a prediction_id.
get_projects Retrieves all projects.
get_project_id_from_name Get a project_id from a project_name If duplicated name, the first project_id that match it is retrieved.
get_project_info Get a project from its project_id.
get_project_users Get users from a project.

-- H --

helper_cv_classif_analysis Get metrics on a CV file retrieved by Prevision.io for a binary classification use case
helper_drift_analysis [BETA] Return a data.frame that contains features, a boolean indicating if the feature may have a different distribution between the submitted datasets (if p-value < threshold), their exact p-value and the test used to compute it.
helper_optimal_prediction [BETA] Compute the optimal prediction for each rows in a data frame, for a given model, a list of actionable features and a number of samples for each features to be tested.
helper_plot_classif_analysis Plot RECALL, PRECISION & F1 SCORE versus top n predictions for a binary classification use case

-- P --

pause_experiment_version Pause a running experiment_version on the platform.
pio_download Download resources according specific parameters.
pio_init Initialization of the connection to your instance Prevision.io.
pio_list_to_df Convert a list returned from APIs to a dataframe. Only working for consistent list (same naming and number of columns).
pio_request Request the platform. Thanks to an endpoint, the url and the API, you can create request.

-- R --

resume_experiment_version Resume a paused experiment_version on the platform.

-- S --

stop_experiment_version Stop a running or paused experiment_version on the platform.

-- T --

test_connector Test an existing connector.
test_contact_point Test an existing contact point
test_datasource Test a datasource
test_deployment_type Check if a type of a deployment is supported
test_pipeline_type Check if a type of a pipeline is supported

-- U --

update_experiment_version_description Update the description of a given experiment_version_id.
update_project_user_role Update user role in and existing project.