Pretty Descriptive Stats

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Documentation for package ‘prettyR’ version 2.2-3

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add.value.labels Add value labels
AddNav Add a navigation item (R2html).
AddNavItem Add a navigation item (htmlize).
addxtabs Add the cells of two or more xtab objects
BeginNav Write the header for the HTML navigation file (htmlize).
brkdn Breakdown of a numeric variable by grouping variable(s)
calculate.xtab Calculate a crosstabulation
CreateIndexFile Write an index file for the current output (htmlize).
createIndxFile Write an index file for the current output (R2html).
decimal.align Turn numbers into strings with aligned decimal points
delim.table Format a 2D table
delim.xtab Format a crosstabulation
describe Description of variables
describe.factor Description of factor variables
describe.logical Description of logical variables
describe.numeric Description of numeric variables
EndHTML End an HTML file (htmlize).
freq Calculate a frequency table
HTMLgraph Create a graphic in HTML output (R2html).
htmlize Read an R script and write HTML output
Mode Find the modal value
print.desc Display descriptive stats output
print.freq Display frequency table(s)
print.xtab Display a 2D crosstabulation
R2html Read an R script and write HTML output
rep_n_stack Replicate and stack columns of a data frame
skew Calculate the skew of a distribution.
StartList Write the header for the HTML listing file (htmlize).
StartNav Write the header for the HTML navigation file (R2html).
stretch_df Reshape a data frame from "long" to "wide" format
toNA Set specified values in an object to NA
truncString Truncate strings and add ellipses if a string is truncated.
valid.n Find the number of valid (not NA) values
xtab Crosstabulate variables