Time Series Prediction Tools

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Documentation for package ‘predtoolsTS’ version 0.1.1

Help Pages

modl Building predictive models
modl.arima Automatic ARIMA model
modl.dataMining Train the data
modl.trControl Control the splitting to train the data
modl.tsToDataFrame Ts to data frame transformation
plot.pred Generic function
plot.prep Generic function
postp Post-processing of pre-processed data
postp.deseason.differencing Undo deseason(differencing)
postp.detrend.differencing Undo detrend(differencing)
postp.detrend.sfsm Undo detrend(substracting full-means method)
postp.homogenize.boxcox Undo Box-Cox transformation
postp.homogenize.log Undo logarithmic transformation
pred Predictions
pred.arima Predicts for ARIMA
pred.compareModels Compare different predictions
pred.dataMining Predicts for data mining methods
prep Automatic pre-preprocessing
prep.check.acf Autocorrelation function
prep.check.adf Augmented Dickey-Fuller test
prep.deseason.differencing Deseason with differencing method
prep.detrend.differencing Detrend with differencing method
prep.detrend.sfsm Detrend with "substracting full-season means" method
prep.homogenize.boxcox Box-Cox transformation
prep.homogenize.log Logarithmic transformation
print.modl Generic function
print.pred Generic function
print.prep Generic function
summary.modl Generic function
summary.pred Generic function
summary.prep Generic function