prediction-package |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
build_datalist |
Build list of data.frames |
find_data |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.crch |
Extract data from a model object | |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.default |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.glimML |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.glimQL |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.glm |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.hxlr |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.lm |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.mca |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.merMod |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.svyglm |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.train |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.vgam |
Extract data from a model object |
find_data.vglm |
Extract data from a model object |
margex |
Artificial data for margins, copied from Stata |
mean_or_mode |
Class-dependent variable aggregation | |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
mean_or_mode.default |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
mean_or_mode.numeric |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
median_or_mode |
Class-dependent variable aggregation | |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
median_or_mode.default |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
median_or_mode.numeric |
Class-dependent variable aggregation |
prediction |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object | |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.Arima |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.arima0 |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.betareg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.bigglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.bigLm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.biglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.bruto |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.clm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.coxph |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.crch |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.default |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object | |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.fda |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.Gam |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.gausspr |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.gee |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.glimML |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.glimQL |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.glm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.glmnet |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.glmx |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.gls |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.hetglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.hurdle |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.hxlr |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.ivreg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.knnreg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.kqr |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.ksvm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.lda |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.lm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.lme |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.loess |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.lqs |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mars |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mca |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mclogit |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.merMod |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mlogit |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mnlogit |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.mnp |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.multinom |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.naiveBayes |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.nls |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.nnet |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.plm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.polr |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.polyreg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.ppr |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.princomp |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.qda |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.rlm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.rpart |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.rq |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.selection |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.speedglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.speedlm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.survreg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.svm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.svyglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.train |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.tree |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.truncreg |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.vgam |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.vglm |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction.zeroinfl |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
prediction_summary |
Extract Predictions from a Model Object |
seq_range |
Create a sequence over the range of a vector |