Draw Three Dimensional Predict Plot Using Package 'rgl'

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Documentation for package ‘predict3d’ version 0.1.5

Help Pages

add_lines Add lines with labels to pre-existing ggplot
beNumeric Whether a string vector can be converted to numeric
calEquation calculated slope and intercept from object of class lm
expand.grid2 expand.grid with two data.frames
fit2newdata Make a new data set for prediction
getAspectRatio Get aspect information of a ggplot
getMeans calculate mean values of two consecutive number
getNewFormula Make new formula
ggPredict Visualize predictions from the multiple regression models.
gg_color_hue Pick default color
is.mynumeric Decide whether a vector can be treated as a numeric variable
myseq Generate regular sequences of desired length between minimum and maximal values
number2group Convert a numeric vector into groups
predict3d Draw 3d predict plot using package 'rgl'
rank2colors Rank a numeric vector using proportional table and returns character vector of names of color using palette
rank2group2 Rank a numeric vector using proportional table and returns a new ordinal vector
restoreData Restore factors in data.frame as numeric
restoreData2 restore data column with I() function
restoreData3 Restore data from arithmetic operator
restoreNames Restore factors in variable name as numeric
revOperator get opposite arithmetic operator
seekNamesDf Find variable names in data.frame
seq_range Create a sequence over the range of a vector
slope2angle Make angle data with slope data
string2pattern change string to pattern
theme_bw2 theme_bw with no grid