pred_input_info {predRupdate}R Documentation

Input information about an existing prediction model


Input coefficient information about one or multiple existing prediction model(s), for use in other functions in the package.


  model_type = c("logistic", "survival"),
  cum_hazard = NULL



specifies the type of model that the existing prediction model is based on; possible options are:

  • "logistic" indicates that the existing model was based on a logistic regression model (default)

  • "survival" indicates that the existing model was based on a survival regression model

If multiple models are being entered, then all models need to be of the same type - otherwise call function multiple times for each type of model.


a data.frame that contains the coefficients of the existing prediction model(s). Each column should be a predictor variable (with the name of the column being the name of the predictor variable), with the values being the coefficients, taken exactly as published from the existing prediction model(s). Multiple existing prediction models should be specified by entering multiple rows. If a predictor variable is not present in a given model then enter that cell of the data.frame as NA. See examples.


A data.frame with two columns: (1) time, and (2) estimated cumulative baseline hazard at that time. The first column (time) should be named 'time' and the second (cumulative baseline hazard) should be named 'hazard'. Only relevant if model_type is "survival"; leave as NULL otherwise. If multiple existing models entered, and model_type = survival, then cum_hazard should be supplied as list of length equal to number of models.


This function will structure the relevant information about one or more existing prediction model(s) into a standardised format, such that it can be used within other functions in the package.

First, the existing prediction model(s) will have a functional form (i.e. the linear predictor of the model); this will be taken as being a linear combination of the variables specified by the columns of model_info.

Second, each of the predictor variables of the existing prediction model(s) will have a published coefficient (e.g. log-odds-ratio or log-hazard-ratio), which should each be given as the values of model_info. If entering information about multiple existing prediction models, then model_info will contain multiple rows (one per existing model). Here, if a given model does not contain a predictor variable that is included in another model, then set as NA; see examples of this below.

In the case of model_type = "logistic", then model_info must contain a column named as "Intercept", which gives the intercept coefficient of each of the existing logistic regression models (taken exactly as previously published); this should be the first column of model_info.

If model_type = "survival", then the baseline cumulative hazard of the model(s) can be specified in cum_hazard. If the baseline cumulative hazard of the existing survival model is not available, then leave as NULL; this will limit any validation metrics that can be calculated.

Note, the column names of model_info should match columns in any new data that the existing model(s) will be applied to (i.e. any new data that will be provided to other functions within the package should have corresponding predictor variables entered through model_info). See pred_predict, pred_validate, pred_update and pred_stacked_regression for more information.


pred_input_info returns an object of class "predinfo", with child classes per model_type. This is a standardised format, such that it can be used with other functions in the package. An object of class "predinfo" is a list containing the following components:


#Example 1 - logistic regression existing model
# create a data.frame of the model coefficients, with columns being variables
coefs_table <- data.frame("Intercept" = -3.4,
                          "SexM" = 0.306,
                          "Smoking_Status" = 0.628,
                          "Diabetes" = 0.499,
                          "CKD" = 0.538)
#pass this into pred_input_info()
Existing_Logistic_Model <- pred_input_info(model_type = "logistic",
                                           model_info = coefs_table)

#Example 2 - survival model example; uses an example dataset within the
#             package.
pred_input_info(model_type = "survival",
                model_info = SYNPM$Existing_TTE_models[2,],
                cum_hazard = SYNPM$TTE_mod2_baseline)

#Example 3 - Input information about multiple models
summary(pred_input_info(model_type = "logistic",
                        model_info = SYNPM$Existing_logistic_models))

[Package predRupdate version 0.1.1 Index]