build_pkg {pracpac}R Documentation

Build a package tar.gz


Builds a package source tar.gz using pkgbuild::build and moves it into a user-specified location (default ⁠docker/⁠).


build_pkg(pkg_path = ".", img_path = NULL, ...)



Path to the package directory. Default is "." for the current working directory, which assumes developer is working in R package root. However, this can be set to another path as needed.


Path to the write the docker image definition contents. The default NULL will use ⁠docker/⁠ as a subdirectory of the pkg_path.


Additional optional arguments passed to pkgbuild::build.


Invisibly returns a list of package info returned by pkg_info, tar.gz source and destination file paths.


## Not run: 
# Specify path to example package source and copy to tempdir()
# Note that in practice you do not need to copy to a tempdir()
# And in fact it may be easiest to use pracpac relative to your package directory root
ex_pkg_src <- system.file("hellow", package = "pracpac", mustWork = TRUE)
file.copy(from = ex_pkg_src, to = tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)

# Build the example package from tempdir()
build_pkg(pkg = file.path(tempdir(), "hellow"))

## End(Not run)

[Package pracpac version 0.2.0 Index]