{prWarp} | R Documentation |
Principal warps
Computes the principal warps and the bending energy of a reference shape configuration, as well as the variance of the partial waprs, the partial warp scores and the non-affine component of shape variation for 2D landmark coordinates (3D not implemented). Small-scale and large-scale components of shape variation can also be computed.
Usage, M_ref, d = NULL)
A |
a k x 2 x n array, where k is the number of 2D landmarks, and n is the sample size. |
M_ref |
a k x 2 refence matrix (usually the sample mean shape), where k is the number of 2D landmarks |
d |
(optional) an integer value comprised between 1 and (k-3) to compute small-scale shape components (between 1 and d) and large-scale shape components (between d+1 and k-3) |
A list containing the following named components:
bendingEnergy |
the bending energy (the (k-3) eigenvalues of the bending energy matrix) |
principalWarps |
the k x (k-3) matrix of principal warps (the k eigenvectors of the bending energy matrix) |
partialWarpScores |
the n x (2k-6) matrix of partial warp (the projection of the vectors of shape coordinates, expressed as deviations from the reference shape, onto the principal warps) |
variancePW |
the variance of the (k-3) partial warps |
Xnonaf |
the n x 2k matrix of the non-affine component of shape variation |
Xsmall |
the n x 2k matrix of the small-scale shape variation (if d is provided) |
Xlarge |
the n x 2k matrix of the large-scale shape variation (if d is provided) |
Bookstein FL. (1989). Principal Warps: Thin-plate splines and the decomposition of deformations. IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 11(6): 567–585.
See Also
See CreateL
for the creation of the bending energy matrix
# 2D landmark coordinates
data("HomoMidSag") # dataset
n_spec <- dim(HomoMidSag)[1] # number of specimens
k <- dim(HomoMidSag)[2] / 2 # number of landmarks
homo_ar <- arrayspecs(HomoMidSag, k, 2) # create an array
# Procrustes registration
homo_gpa <- Morpho::procSym(homo_ar)
m_overall <- homo_gpa$rotated # Procrustes coordinates
m_mshape <- homo_gpa$mshape # average shape
# Computation of bending energy, partial warp scores etc.
homo_be_pw <-, m_mshape)
# Partial warp variance as a function of bending energy
logInvBE <- log((homo_be_pw$bendingEnergy)^(-1)) # inverse log bending energy
logPWvar <- log(homo_be_pw$variancePW) # log variance of partial warps
mod <- lm(logPWvar ~ logInvBE) # linear regression
# Plot log PW variance on log BE^-1 with regression line
plot(logInvBE, logPWvar, col = "white", asp = 1,
main = "PW variance against inverse BE", xlab = "log 1/BE", ylab = "log PW variance")
text(logInvBE, logPWvar, labels = names(logPWvar), cex = 0.5)
abline(mod, col = "blue")