mpqr {pqrfe} | R Documentation |
Multiple penalized quantile regression
Estimate penalized quantile regression for several taus
mpqr(x, y, subj, tau = 1:9/10, effect = "simple", c = 0)
x |
Numeric matrix, covariates |
y |
Numeric vector, outcome. |
subj |
Numeric vector, identifies the unit to which the observation belongs. |
tau |
Numeric vector, identifies the percentiles. |
effect |
Factor, "simple" simple regression, "fixed" regression with fixed effects, "lasso" penalized regression with fixed effects. |
c |
Numeric, 0 is quantile, Inf is expectile, any number between zero and infinite is M-quantile. |
Beta Numeric array, with three dimmensions: 1) tau, 2) coef., lower bound, upper bound, 3) exploratory variables.
Beta array with dimension (ntau, 3, d), where Beta[i,1,k] is the i-th tau estimation of beta_k, Beta[i,2,k] is the i-th tau lower bound 95% confidence of beta_k, and Beta[i,3,k] is the i-th tau lower bound 95% confidence of beta_k.
n = 10
m = 5
d = 4
N = n*m
L = N*d
x = matrix(rnorm(L), ncol=d, nrow=N)
subj = rep(1:n, each=m)
alpha = rnorm(n)
beta = rnorm(d)
eps = rnorm(N)
y = as.vector(x %*% beta + rep(alpha, each=m) + eps)
Beta = mpqr(x,y,subj,tau=1:9/10, effect="fixed", c = 1.2)