powerindexR-package {powerindexR} | R Documentation |
Measuring the Power in Voting Systems
This R package allows the determination of some distributions of the voters' power when passing laws in weighted voting situations.
Package: | powerindexR |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Measuring the Power in Voting Systems |
Version: | 1.6 |
Date: | 2024-05-30 |
Authors@R: | c(person("Livino M.", "Armijos-Toro", role = c("aut", "cre"),email="livinoa@gmail.com"), person("Jose M.", "Alonso-Meijide", role = c("aut")), person("Manuel A.", "Mosquera", role = c("aut")), person("Alejandro", "Saavedra-Nieves", role = c("aut"))) |
Depends: | R(>= 3.0.0) |
Description: | This R package allows the determination of some distributions of the voters' power when passing laws in weighted voting situations. |
License: | GPL-2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Packaged: | |
Repository: | CRAN |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Author: | Livino M. Armijos-Toro [aut, cre], Jose M. Alonso-Meijide [aut], Manuel A. Mosquera [aut], Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves [aut] |
Maintainer: | Livino M. Armijos-Toro <livinoa@gmail.com> |
RoxygenNote: | 7.0.2 |
Index of help topics:
MWC Obtain the minimal winning coalitions QMWC Obtain the quasi-minimal winning coalitions pi.banzhaf Power based on the Banzhaf index. pi.colomermartinez Power based on the Colomer-Martinez index. pi.johnston Power based on the Johnston index. pi.johnstoncolomermartinez Power based on the Jonhston-Colomer-Martinez index. pi.shapley Power based on the Shapley-Shubik index. powerindex Obtain several measures of power powerindexR-package Measuring the Power in Voting Systems
This R package allows the determination of some distributions of the voters' power when passing laws in weighted voting situations.
Livino M. Armijos-Toro, Jose M. Alonso-Meijide, Manuel A. Mosquera, Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves.
Alonso-Meijide, J. M., & Bowles, C. (2005). Generating functions for coalitional power indices: An application to the IMF. Annals of Operations Research, 137, 21-44. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-005-2242-y>.
Brams, S. J., & Affuso, P. J. (1976). Power and size: A new paradox. Theory and Decision, 7(1-2), 29-56. <https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00141101>.
Colomer, J. M., & Martinez, F. (1995). The paradox of coalition trading. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 7(1), 41-63. <https://doi.org/10.1177/0951692895007001003>.
Johnston, R. J. (1978). On the measurement of power: Some reactions to Laver. Environment and Planning A, 10(8), 907-914. <https://doi.org/10.1068/a100907>.
Lucas, W. F. (1983). Measuring power in weighted voting systems (pp. 183-238). Springer New York. <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-5430-0_9>