Phased or Unphased Linkage Disequilibrium

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Documentation for package ‘pould’ version 1.0.1

Help Pages

cALD Calculation of the D', Wn, and conditional Asymmetric LD Measures
drb1.dqb1.demo Example HLA Genotype Data for DRB1 and DQB1
extractLoci Extract Locus Information from Supplied Haplotype Data
hla.hap.demo Example Six-Locus HLA Haplotype Data in GL String Format Generates heat-maps for four linkage disequilibrium (LD) values (D', Wn, WLoc1/Loc2 and WLoc2/Loc1) generated for all pairs of phased and unphased two-locus haplotypes by LDWrap().
LD.sign.test Perform the sign test on paired LD values for phased and unphased haplotypes
LDWrap Parser for CSV-formatted GL String Haplotype Data
parseGenotypes Reformat columnnar genotype data to GL String format
trimAlleles Truncate allele names in haplotypes to the specified number of fields.
writeVector Exporting Haplotype Vectors