Tools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages

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Documentation for package ‘potools’ version 0.2.4

Help Pages

check_cracked_messages Check for cracked messages more suitable for templating
check_potools_sys_reqs Check if the proper system utilities for running package translation are installed
check_untranslated_cat Check for untranslated messages emitted by cat
check_untranslated_src Check for cracked messages in C/C++ sources
format.po_metadata Write a .po or .pot file corresponding to a message database
get_message_data Extract user-visible messages from a package
po_compile Compile '.po' files to '.mo'
po_create Create a new '.po' file
po_explain_plurals Explain plural message criteria verbally
po_extract Extract messages for translation into a '.pot' file
po_metadata Write a .po or .pot file corresponding to a message database
po_update Update all '.po' files with changes in '.pot'
print.po_metadata Write a .po or .pot file corresponding to a message database
translate_package Interactively provide translations for a package's messages
write_po_file Write a .po or .pot file corresponding to a message database