AllContrasts |
Constructs a matrix with all the contrasts for pairwise comparisons. |
ApproxWaldPvalues |
Wald approximation for the p-values of pairwise comparisons based on the design matrix |
barplot.PostHoc |
Barplot method for objects of class PostHoc |
DeIdentifiedExample |
A simple example for testing pairwise comparison methods |
ExtractCI |
Calculates the Wald or a parametric bootstrap confidence intervals for GLMs and GLMMs |
FormGroupsClusters |
Group effects given the pairwise p-values |
GroupClusterEffects |
Group effects for GLMs and GLMMs |
KruskalWallisAllPvalues |
Calculates all p-values of pairwise comparisons using a Kruskal-Wallis test |
lines.PostHoc |
Lines method for objects of class PostHoc |
MedianBootCI |
Confidence intervals for medians |
plot.PostHoc |
Plot method for objects of class PostHoc |
posthoc |
Group effects for GLMs and GLMMs |
posthocKW |
Post-hoc analysis based on the Kruskal-Walis test |
print.PostHoc |
Print methods for objects of class PostHoc |
summary.PostHoc |
Summary method for objects of class PostHoc |
WaldPvalues |
Calculates a Wald approximation for the p-values of pairwise comparisons |