Tools for Post-Hoc Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘postHoc’ version 0.1.3

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AllContrasts Constructs a matrix with all the contrasts for pairwise comparisons.
ApproxWaldPvalues Wald approximation for the p-values of pairwise comparisons based on the design matrix
barplot.PostHoc Barplot method for objects of class PostHoc
DeIdentifiedExample A simple example for testing pairwise comparison methods
ExtractCI Calculates the Wald or a parametric bootstrap confidence intervals for GLMs and GLMMs
FormGroupsClusters Group effects given the pairwise p-values
GroupClusterEffects Group effects for GLMs and GLMMs
KruskalWallisAllPvalues Calculates all p-values of pairwise comparisons using a Kruskal-Wallis test
lines.PostHoc Lines method for objects of class PostHoc
MedianBootCI Confidence intervals for medians
plot.PostHoc Plot method for objects of class PostHoc
posthoc Group effects for GLMs and GLMMs
posthocKW Post-hoc analysis based on the Kruskal-Walis test
print.PostHoc Print methods for objects of class PostHoc
summary.PostHoc Summary method for objects of class PostHoc
WaldPvalues Calculates a Wald approximation for the p-values of pairwise comparisons