Vine Based (Un)Conditional Portfolio Risk Measure Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘portvine’ version 1.0.3

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cond_portvine_roll-class S4 output class for the function 'estimate_risk_roll()'
default_garch_spec Default specifications for ARMA-GARCH models
estimate_risk_roll (Un-)conditional rolling risk estimation using vine copulas
est_es Estimate the Expected Shortfall (ES)
est_var Estimate the Value at Risk (VaR)
fitted_marginals Accessor method for the fitted marginal models of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
fitted_marginals-method Accessor method for the fitted marginal models of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
fitted_vines Accessor method for the fitted vine copula models of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
fitted_vines-method Accessor method for the fitted vine copula models of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
marginal_settings S4 class for the marginal settings
marginal_settings-class S4 class for the marginal settings
portvine_roll-class S4 output class for the function 'estimate_risk_roll()'
risk_estimates Accessor methods for the risk estimates of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
risk_estimates-method Accessor methods for the risk estimates of (cond_)portvine_roll objects
roll_residuals Extract fitted standardized residuals from a uGARCHroll object
sample_returns_small A sample of log returns for 3 assets.
show-method S4 class for the marginal settings
show-method S4 output class for the function 'estimate_risk_roll()'
show-method S4 class for the vine settings
summary-method S4 output class for the function 'estimate_risk_roll()'
vine_settings S4 class for the vine settings
vine_settings-class S4 class for the vine settings