Demographic Analysis and Data Manipulation

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Documentation for package ‘poputils’ version 0.3.1

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age_group_type Infer Age Label Type
age_labels Create Age Labels
age_lower Lower Limits, Midpoints, and Upper Limits of Age Groups
age_mid Lower Limits, Midpoints, and Upper Limits of Age Groups
age_upper Lower Limits, Midpoints, and Upper Limits of Age Groups
check_age Validity Checks for Age Labels
check_equal_length Check that Arguments have Same Length
check_no_overlap_colnums Check that Colnum Vectors do not Overlap
combine_age Aggregate Age Group Labels
ex_to_lifetab_brass Derive Life Tables that Match Life Expectancies, using a Brass Logit Model
find_label_female Identify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Females
find_label_male Identify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Males
find_var_age Identify an Age Variable
find_var_sexgender Identify a Sex or Gender Variable
find_var_time Identify a Time Variable
groups_colnums Get a named vector of column indices for the grouping variables in a grouped data frame
invlogit Logit and Inverse-Logit Functions
lifeexp Calculate Life Tables or Life Expectancies
lifetab Calculate Life Tables or Life Expectancies
logit Logit and Inverse-Logit Functions
matrix_to_list_of_cols Turn a Matrix Into a List of Columns or Rows
matrix_to_list_of_rows Turn a Matrix Into a List of Columns or Rows
nzmort Mortality Data for New Zealand
nzmort_rvec Mortality Data and Probabilistic Rates for New Zealand
reformat_age Reformat Age Group Labels
reformat_sex Reformat a Binary Sex Variable
set_age_open Specify Open Age Group
to_matrix Build a Matrix from Measure and ID Variables
west_lifetab Coale-Demeny West Model Life Tables