Designing Population PDX Studies

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Documentation for package ‘populationPDXdesign’ version 1.0.3

Help Pages

callsInSingleExperiment Simulation of a single population PDX experiment
getMode Function to return the mode of a vector of values
noFalseCalls Function to calculate the number of false calls for a design for a go-no go threshold
noMissedCalls Function to calculate the number of missed calls for a design for a go-no go threshold
outcomeInSingleExperiment Function to summarise the results for a single simulation representing one experiment
outcomeMultipleExperiments Function to run simulations to mimic population PDX studies for a defined scenario
plotFalsepositive A function to visualise the false postive rate as a function of PDXn and PDXr
plotSensitivity A function to visualise the sensitivity as a function of PDXn and PDXr
populationPDXdesignApp Function 'populationPDXdesignApp'
server 'shiny' app server function
ui 'shiny' app user interface function
varyingPDXnPDXrBiolRR Function to run simulations to mimic population PDX studies for variety of experimental and biological scenarios