Estimate Kinship and FST under Arbitrary Population Structure

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Documentation for package ‘popkin’ version 1.3.23

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popkin-package A package for estimating kinship and FST under arbitrary population structure
admix_label_cols Label ancestries based on best match to individual labels
admix_order_cols Reorder admixture matrix columns
avg_kinship_subpops Calculate a kinship matrix between subpopulations by averaging individual data
fst Calculate FST from a population-level kinship matrix or vector of inbreeding coefficients
hgdp_subset HGDP subset
inbr Extract inbreeding coefficients from a kinship matrix
inbr_diag Replace kinship diagonal with inbreeding coefficients
mean_kinship Calculate the weighted mean kinship
n_eff Calculates the effective sample size of the data
plot_admix Make a structure/admixture plot
plot_phylo Plot a 'phylo' tree object
plot_popkin Visualize one or more kinship matrices and other related objects
popkin Estimate kinship from a genotype matrix and subpopulation assignments
popkin_A Compute popkin's 'A' and 'M' matrices from genotypes
popkin_af Estimate coancestry from an allele frequency matrix and subpopulation assignments
popkin_A_min_subpops Estimate the minimum expected value of a matrix 'A' using subpopulations
pwfst Estimate the individual-level pairwise FST matrix
rescale_popkin Rescale kinship matrix to set a given kinship value to zero.
validate_kinship Validate a kinship matrix
weights_subpops Get weights for individuals that balance subpopulations
_PACKAGE A package for estimating kinship and FST under arbitrary population structure