vitalsens {popbio} | R Documentation |
Vital rate sensitivities and elasticities
Calculates deterministic sensitivities and elasticities of lambda to lower-level vital rates using partial derivatives
vitalsens(elements, vitalrates)
elements |
An object of mode |
vitalrates |
A list of vital rates with |
Vital rate sensitivities and elasticities are discussed in example 9.3 and 9.6 in Caswell (2001). Also see Chapter 9 and Box 9.1 for Matlab code in Morris and Doak (2002).
A dataframe with vital rate estimates, sensitivities, and elasticities
The element expressions should return the actual matrix element estimates
after evaluating the variables using eval
A<-sapply(elements, eval, vitalrates, NULL)
In addition, these expressions should be arranged by rows so the following returns the projection matrix.
matrix(A, nrow=sqrt(length(elements)), byrow=TRUE)
Chris Stubben. Based on code posted by Simon Blomberg to R-help mailing list
Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and interpretation, Second edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.
Morris, W. F., and D. F. Doak. 2002. Quantitative conservation biology: Theory and practice of population viability analysis. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.
## emperor goose in Morris and Doak 2002.
goose.vr <- list( Ss0=0.1357, Ss1=0.8926, Sf2=0.6388, Sf3= 0.8943)
goose.el <- expression(
0, 0, Sf2*Ss1,Sf3*Ss1,
Ss0,0, 0, 0,
0, Ss1,0, 0,
0, 0, Ss1, Ss1)
## first plot effects of changing vital rates -- Figure 9.1
n <- length(goose.vr)
vr <- seq(0,1,.1)
vrsen <- matrix(numeric(n*length(vr)), ncol=n, dimnames=list(vr, names(goose.vr)))
for (h in 1:n) {
goose.vr2 <- list( Ss0=0.1357, Ss1=0.8926, Sf2=0.6388, Sf3= 0.8943)
for (i in 1:length(vr))
goose.vr2[[h]] <- vr[i]
A <- matrix(sapply(goose.el, eval,goose.vr2 , NULL), nrow=sqrt(length(goose.el)), byrow=TRUE)
vrsen[i,h] <- max(Re(eigen(A)$values))
matplot(rownames(vrsen), vrsen, type='l', lwd=2, las=1,
ylab="Goose population growth", xlab="Value of vital rate",
main="Effects of changing goose vital rates")
vrn <- expression(s[0], s["">=1], f[2], f["">=3])
legend(.8, .4, vrn, lty=1:4, lwd=2, col=1:4, cex=1.2)
## then calculate sensitivities -- Table 9.1
x <- vitalsens(goose.el, goose.vr)
barplot(t(x[,2:3]), beside=TRUE, legend=TRUE, las=1, xlab="Vital rate",
main="Goose vital rate sensitivity and elasticity")
## Table 7 endangered lesser kestral in Hiraldo et al 1996
kest.vr <- list(b = 0.9321, co = 0.3847, ca = 0.925, so = 0.3409, sa = 0.7107)
kest.el <- expression( co*b*so, ca*b*so, sa, sa)
x <- vitalsens(kest.el, kest.vr)
barplot(t(x[,2:3]), beside=TRUE, las=1, xlab="Vital rate",
main="Kestral vital rate sensitivity and elasticity")
legend(1,1, rownames(t(x[,2:3])), fill=grey.colors(2))