popReconstruct-package |
Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past |
burkina.faso.females |
Data for the Vignette burkina-faso-females |
burkina.faso.prop.vars |
Data for the Vignette burkina-faso-females |
burkina_faso_females |
Data for the Vignette burkina-faso-females |
life.expectancy.stationary |
Life Expectancy At Birth in a Stationary Population |
make.leslie.matrix |
Make Leslie Matrix |
net.number.migrants |
Calculate Net Number of Migrants |
popRecon.ccmp.female |
Female Dominant Cohort Component Projection |
popRecon.sampler |
MCMC Sampler for the popReconstruct Package |
popReconstruct |
Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past |