relpois_ag {popEpi}R Documentation

Excess hazard Poisson model


Estimate a Poisson Piecewise Constant Excess Hazards Model


  offset = NULL,
  breaks = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  piecewise = TRUE,
  check = TRUE,



a formula with the counts of events as the response. Passed on to glm. May contain usage of the offset() function instead of supplying the offset for the Poisson model via the argument offset.


an aggre object (an aggregated data set; see as.aggre and aggre)


the counts of expected cases. Mandatory. E.g. d.exp = EXC_CASES, where EXC_CASES is a column in data.


the offset for the Poisson model, supplied as e.g. offset = log(PTIME), where PTIME is a subject-time variable in data. Not mandatory, but almost always should be supplied.


optional; a numeric vector of [a,b) breaks to specify survival intervals over the follow-up time; if NULL, the existing breaks along the mandatory time scale mentioned in formula are used


a logical vector or condition; e.g. subset = sex == 1; limits the data before estimation


logical; if TRUE, and if any time scale from data is used (mentioned) in the formula, the time scale is transformed into a factor variable indicating intervals on the time scale. Otherwise the time scale left as it is, usually a numeric variable. E.g. if formula = counts ~ TS1*VAR1, TS1 is transformed into a factor before fitting model.


logical; if TRUE, performs check on the negativity excess cases by factor-like covariates in formula - negative excess cases will very likely lead to non-converging model


any other argument passed on to glm such as control or weights


A relpois object created using a custom Poisson family construct.


Joonas Miettinen, Karri Seppa

See Also

lexpand, poisson, glm

Other main functions: Surv(), rate(), relpois(), sir(), sirspline(), survmean(), survtab(), survtab_ag()

Other relpois functions: RPL, relpois(), rpcurve()


## use the simulated rectal cancer cohort
data(sire, package = "popEpi")
sire$agegr <- cut(sire$dg_age, c(0,45,60,Inf), right=FALSE)

## create aggregated example data
fb <- c(0,3/12,6/12,1,2,3,4,5)
x <- lexpand(sire, birth = bi_date, entry = dg_date,
             exit = ex_date, status=status %in% 1:2,
             breaks = list(fot=fb), 
             pophaz=popmort, pp = FALSE,
             aggre = list(agegr, fot))
## fit model using aggregated data
rpm <- relpois_ag(formula = from0to1 ~ fot + agegr,  data = x,
                  d.exp = d.exp, offset = log(pyrs))
## the usual functions for handling glm models work
rpm2 <- update(rpm, . ~ fot*agegr)
anova(rpm, rpm2, test="LRT")
AIC(rpm, rpm2)

## other features such as residuals or predicting are not guaranteed
## to work as intended.

[Package popEpi version 0.4.12 Index]