grid2ip {poolr}R Documentation

Results from testing the association between depressive symptoms and 23 SNPs in the GRID2IP gene


Results from testing the association between depressive symptoms (as measured with the CES-D scale) and 23 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GRID2IP gene based on a sample of 886 adolescents (Van Assche et al., 2017).




Object grid2ip.p is a vector with the 23 pp-values of the tests (two-sided). Object grid2ip.ld contains a matrix with the linkage disequilibrium (LD) correlations among the 23 SNPs. grid2ip.geno is a matrix that contains the genotypes of the adoloscents for the 23 SNPs. grid2ip.pheno is a vector with the phenotype for the adoloscents (the log-transformed CES-D scale values).


Van Assche, E., Moons, T., Cinar, O., Viechtbauer, W., Oldehinkel, A. J., Van Leeuwen, K., Verschueren, K., Colpin, H., Lambrechts, D., Van den Noortgate, W., Goossens, L., Claes, S., & van Winkel, R. (2017). Gene-based interaction analysis shows GABAergic genes interacting with parenting in adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(12), 1301–1309.

[Package poolr version 1.1-1 Index]