p_linreg_yerrors {pooling}R Documentation

Linear Regression of Y vs. Covariates with Y Measured in Pools and (Potentially) Subject to Additive Normal Errors


Assumes outcome given covariates is a normal-errors linear regression. Pooled outcome measurements can be assumed precise or subject to additive normal processing error and/or measurement error. Replicates are supported.


p_linreg_yerrors(g, ytilde, x = NULL, errors = "processing",
  estimate_var = TRUE, start_nonvar_var = c(0.01, 1),
  lower_nonvar_var = c(-Inf, 1e-04), upper_nonvar_var = c(Inf, Inf),
  nlminb_list = list(control = list(trace = 1, eval.max = 500, iter.max =
  500)), hessian_list = list(method.args = list(r = 4)))



Numeric vector with pool sizes, i.e. number of members in each pool.


Numeric vector (or list of numeric vectors, if some pools have replicates) with poolwise sum Ytilde values.


Numeric matrix with poolwise X values (if any), with one row for each pool. Can be a vector if there is only 1 covariate.


Character string specifying the errors that Y is subject to. Choices are "neither", "processing" for processing error only, "measurement" for measurement error only, and "both".


Logical value for whether to return variance-covariance matrix for parameter estimates.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying starting value for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying lower bound for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying upper bound for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


List of arguments to pass to nlminb for log-likelihood maximization.


List of arguments to pass to hessian.


The individual-level model of interest for Y|X is:

Y = beta_0 + beta_x^T X + e, e ~ N(0, sigsq)

The implied model for summed Y*|X* in a pool with g members is:

Y* = g beta_0 + beta_x^T X* + e*, e* ~ N(0, g sigsq)

The assay targets Ybar, the mean Y value for each pool, from which the sum Y* can be calculated as Y* = g Ybar. But the Ybar's may be subject to processing error and/or measurement error. Suppose Ybartilde is the imprecise version of Ybar from the assay. If both errors are present, the assumed error structure is:

Ybartilde = Ybar + e_p I(g > 1) + e_m, e_p ~ N(0, sigsq_p), e_m ~ N(0, sigsq_m)

with the processing error e_p and measurement error e_m assumed independent of each other. This motivates a maximum likelihood analysis for estimating theta = (beta_0, beta_x^T)^T based on observed (Ytilde*, X*) values, where Ytilde* = g Ytildebar.


List containing:

  1. Numeric vector of parameter estimates.

  2. Variance-covariance matrix (if estimate_var = TRUE).

  3. Returned nlminb object from maximizing the log-likelihood function.

  4. Akaike information criterion (AIC).


Schisterman, E.F., Vexler, A., Mumford, S.L. and Perkins, N.J. (2010) "Hybrid pooled-unpooled design for cost-efficient measurement of biomarkers." Stat. Med. 29(5): 597–613.


# Load dataset containing data frame with (g, X1*, X2*, Y*, Ytilde*) values
# for 500 pools each of size 1, 2, and 3, and list of Ytilde values where 20
# of the single-specimen pools have replicates. Ytilde values are affected by
# processing error and measurement error; true parameter values are
# beta_0 = 0.25, beta_x1 = 0.5, beta_x2 = 0.25, sigsq = 1.
dat <- dat_p_linreg_yerrors$dat
reps <- dat_p_linreg_yerrors$reps

# Fit Ytilde* vs. (X1*, X2*) ignoring errors in Ytilde (leads to loss of
# precision and overestimated sigsq, but no bias).
fit.naive <- p_linreg_yerrors(
  g = dat$g,
  y = dat$y,
  x = dat[, c("x1", "x2")],
  errors = "neither"

# Account for errors in Ytilde*, without using replicates
fit.corrected.noreps <- p_linreg_yerrors(
  g = dat$g,
  y = dat$ytilde,
  x = dat[, c("x1", "x2")],
  errors = "both"

# Account for errors in Ytilde*, incorporating the 20 replicates
fit.corrected.reps <- p_linreg_yerrors(
  g = dat$g,
  y = reps,
  x = dat[, c("x1", "x2")],
  errors = "both"

# In this trial, incorporating replicates resulted in much better estimates
# of sigsq (truly 1), sigsq_p (truly 0.4), and sigsq_m (truly = 0.2) but very
# similar regression coefficient estimates.

[Package pooling version 1.1.2 Index]