p_gdfa_nonconstant {pooling}R Documentation

Gamma Discriminant Function Approach for Estimating Odds Ratio with Exposure Measured in Pools and Potentially Subject to Multiplicative Lognormal Errors (Non-constant Odds Ratio Version)


See p_gdfa.


p_gdfa_nonconstant(g, y, xtilde, c = NULL, errors = "processing",
  estimate_var = TRUE, start_nonvar_var = c(0.01, 1),
  lower_nonvar_var = c(-Inf, 1e-04), upper_nonvar_var = c(Inf, Inf),
  jitter_start = 0.01, hcubature_list = list(tol = 1e-08),
  nlminb_list = list(control = list(trace = 1, eval.max = 500, iter.max =
  500)), hessian_list = list(method.args = list(r = 4)),
  nlminb_object = NULL)



Numeric vector with pool sizes, i.e. number of members in each pool.


Numeric vector with poolwise Y values, coded 0 if all members are controls and 1 if all members are cases.


Numeric vector (or list of numeric vectors, if some pools have replicates) with Xtilde values.


List where each element is a numeric matrix containing the C values for members of a particular pool (1 row for each member).


Character string specifying the errors that X is subject to. Choices are "neither", "processing" for processing error only, "measurement" for measurement error only, and "both".


Logical value for whether to return variance-covariance matrix for parameter estimates.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying starting value for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying lower bound for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying upper bound for non-variance terms and variance terms, respectively.


Numeric value specifying standard deviation for mean-0 normal jitters to add to starting values for a second try at maximizing the log-likelihood, should the initial call to nlminb result in non-convergence. Set to NULL for no second try.


List of arguments to pass to hcubature for numerical integration.


List of arguments to pass to nlminb for log-likelihood maximization.


List of arguments to pass to hessian for approximating the Hessian matrix. Only used if estimate_var = TRUE.


Object returned from nlminb in a prior call. Useful for bypassing log-likelihood maximization if you just want to re-estimate the Hessian matrix with different options.


List containing:

  1. Numeric vector of parameter estimates.

  2. Variance-covariance matrix.

  3. Returned nlminb object from maximizing the log-likelihood function.

  4. Akaike information criterion (AIC).


Lyles, R.H., Van Domelen, D.R., Mitchell, E.M. and Schisterman, E.F. (2015) "A discriminant function approach to adjust for processing and measurement error When a biomarker is assayed in pooled samples." Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 12(11): 14723–14740.

Mitchell, E.M, Lyles, R.H., and Schisterman, E.F. (2015) "Positing, fitting, and selecting regression models for pooled biomarker data." Stat. Med 34(17): 2544–2558.

Schisterman, E.F., Vexler, A., Mumford, S.L. and Perkins, N.J. (2010) "Hybrid pooled-unpooled design for cost-efficient measurement of biomarkers." Stat. Med. 29(5): 597–613.

Whitcomb, B.W., Perkins, N.J., Zhang, Z., Ye, A., and Lyles, R. H. (2012) "Assessment of skewed exposure in case-control studies with pooling." Stat. Med. 31: 2461–2472.

[Package pooling version 1.1.2 Index]