Object Pooling

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Documentation for package ‘pool’ version 1.0.3

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copy_to.Pool Use pool with dbplyr
dbBegin-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbCommit-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbDisconnect-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbGetInfo-method Unsupported DBI methods
DBI-custom Unsupported DBI methods
dbIsValid-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbPool Create a pool of database connections
dbRollback-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbSendQuery-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbSendStatement-method Unsupported DBI methods
dbWithTransaction-method Unsupported DBI methods
localCheckout Check out and return object from the pool
Pool Create a pool of reusable objects
Pool-class Create a pool of reusable objects
poolCheckout Check out and return object from the pool
poolCheckout-method Check out and return object from the pool
poolClose Create a pool of reusable objects
poolClose-method Create a pool of reusable objects
poolCreate Create a pool of reusable objects
poolReturn Check out and return object from the pool
poolReturn-method Check out and return object from the pool
poolWithTransaction Self-contained database transactions using pool
tbl.Pool Use pool with dbplyr