polyFit {polyreg}R Documentation

Polynomial Fit


Fit polynomial regression using a linear or logistic model; predict new data.


polyFit(xy, deg, maxInteractDeg=deg, use = "lm", glmMethod="one", 
     return_xy=FALSE, returnPoly=FALSE, noisy=TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'polyFit'
predict(object, newdata, ...)



Data frame with response variable in the last column. Latter is numeric, except in the classification case: Categorical variables (> 2 levels) must be passed as factors or character variables if use is 'glm'; an integer vector must be used for the for the 'mvrlm' case, or for the 2-class case (0s and 1s).


The max degree for polynomial terms. A term such as uv, for instance, is considered degree 2.


The max degree of interaction terms.


Set to 'lm' for linear regression, 'glm' for logistic regression, or 'mvrlm' for multivariate-response lm.


Defaults to 'one,' meaning the One Versus All Method. Use 'all' for All Versus All.


Data frame, one row for each "X" to be predicted. Must have the same column names as in xy (without "Y").


An item of class 'polyFit' containing output. Can be used with predict().


Return data? Default: FALSE


return polyMatrix object? Defaults to FALSE since may be quite large.


Logical: display messages?


Additional arguments for getPoly().


The polyFit function calls getPoly to generate polynomial terms from predictor variables, then fits the generated data to a linear or logistic regression model. (Powers of dummy variables will not be generated, other than degree 1, but interaction terms will calculated.)

When logistic regression for classification is indicated, with more than two classes, All-vs-All or One-vs-All methods, coded 'all' and 'one', can be applied to deal with multiclass problem.

Under the 'mvrlm' option in a classification problem, lm is called with multivariate response, using cbind and dummy variables for class membership as the response. Since predictors are used to form polynomials, this should be a reasonable model, and is much faster than 'glm'.


The return value of polyFit() is an polyFit object. The orginal arguments are retained, along with the fitted models and so on.

The prediction function predict.polyFit returns the predicted value(s) for newdata. It also contains probability for each class as an attribute named prob. In the classification case, these will be the predicted class labels, 1,2,3,...


N <- 125
xyTrain <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(N), 
                      x2 = rnorm(N),
                      group = sample(letters[1:5], N, replace=TRUE),
                      score = sample(100, N, replace = TRUE) # final column is y

pfOut <- polyFit(xyTrain, 2)

# 4 new test points
xTest <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(4), 
                    x2 = rnorm(4),
                    group = sample(letters[1:5], 4, replace=TRUE))
predict(pfOut, xTest) # returns vector of 4 predictions

# predict wageinc
z <- polyFit(pef[,c(setdiff(1:6,5),5)],2)
predict(z,pef[2000,c(setdiff(1:6,5),5)])  # 56934.39
# predict occ
z <- polyFit(pef[,c(setdiff(1:6,3),3)],2,use='glm')
predict(z,pef[2000,c(setdiff(1:6,3),3)])  # '100', probs 0.43, 0.26,...

[Package polyreg version 0.8.0 Index]