Translate Text

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Documentation for package ‘polyglotr’ version 1.4.0

Help Pages

batch_translate Batch Translation Function
create_translation_table Create a Translation Table
create_transliteration_table Create a Transliteration Table
google_get_supported_languages Get Supported Languages
google_is_valid_language_code Check if a language code is valid
google_supported_languages Google Supported Languages
google_translate Translate text using google translate
google_transliterate Transliterate a single word or a sentence to the required language.
language_detect Detect Language using Google Translate API
linguee_external_sources Retrieve external sources using Linguee Translation API
linguee_translation_examples Provide translation examples using Linguee Translation API
linguee_word_translation Translate word using Linguee Translation API
mymemory_translate Translate text using mymemory translate
pons_translate Translate text using PONS
qcri_api_key Get the QCRI API key from the environment variable
qcri_get_domains QCRI Get Domains
qcri_get_language_pairs QCRI Get Language Pairs
qcri_translate_text QCRI Translate Text
translate_file Translate File
wikimedia_detect_language Detect the language of a text
wikipedia_get_language_names Get language names
wmcloud_translate Translate content using WMCloud