crosstab |
weighted crosstabs |
crosstab_3way |
weighted 3-way crosstabs |
deff_calc |
Calculate the design effect of a sample |
illinois |
Illinois respondents to the Voting and Registration Supplement for the Current Population Survey |
moedeff_calc |
Calculate the margin of error (including design effect) of a sample |
moe_crosstab |
weighted crosstabs with margin of error |
moe_crosstab_3way |
weighted 3-way crosstabs with margin of error |
moe_topline |
weighted topline with margin of error |
moe_wave_crosstab |
weighted crosstabs with margin of error, where the x-variable identifies different survey waves |
moe_wave_crosstab_3way |
weighted 3-way crosstabs with margin of error, where the z-variable identifies different survey waves |
summary_table |
weighted summary table |
topline |
weighted topline |
wtd_mean |
weighted mean |