lengthsize {pollimetry} | R Documentation |
Converts body length to body size (body weight (mg)) for three pollinating insect groups (Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera).
Calculates body size as dry weight (mg) from existing allometries (See 'Details') using body length values (mm).
lengthsize(BL, Eq = "DIP")
BL |
A vector of pollinator body length (BL) measurements (mm). |
Eq |
A vector specificing which predictive allometry to use. Acronyms denote first (and second author), publication date and taxon. DIP, HYM and LEP options are cases where authors modelled body size across all specimens within each order. Options implemented are: DIP (10 equations): BN06D, G97D, GR84D, JS00DA, R77D, S80DCF, S80DCR, S80DMF, S93DA, W13D)<br /> Brachycera (2 equations): S93DB, Sabo02DB Nematocera (3 equations): JS00DN, S93DN, Sabo02DN; Asilidae (2 equations): Sabo02DA, S93DB; Bombyliidae (2 equations): S93DB, Sabo02DBB; Cyclorrapha: S93DC HYM (12 equations): BN06H1, G97H, G97F, GR84H, JS00HA, R77H, S80HCF, S80HCR, S80HMF, S93HA, Sabo02H, W13H<br /> Formicidae (13 equations): BN06HF, GR84F, JS00HF, R77A, S80FCF, S80FCR, S80FMF, S93HF, S93HH, S93HI, BN06H1, G97H, G97F<br /> Apidae: Sabo02HA; Braconidae: S93HB; Halictidae: S93HH; Ichneumonidae: S93HI; Pompilidae: S93HP; Vespidae: S93HV and Sabo02HV LEP(9 equations): BN06L,G97L,JS00L,R77L,S80LCF, S80LCR, S80LMF,S93LA,W13L<br /> Noctuidea: S93LC, S93LN; Geometridae: S93LG; Microlepidoptera: S93LM; Arctiinae: S93LC. |
A dataframe with pollinator body size (mg) is returned for each species from selected equation/s.
Full reference list is available within Kendall et al. (2018) Pollinator size and its consequences: Predictive allometry for pollinating insects. <doi:10.1101/397604>
lengthsize(BL=c(10,5,2), Eq = c("S80DCR"))