nes {poliscidata} | R Documentation |
NES dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
The American National Election Survey polls individuals about their political beliefs and behavior. This dataset is used to demonstrate application of R to political analysis. See book Appendix for variable names and descriptions.
A data frame with 5916 rows and 399 variables.
- abort_scale
Anti-abortion Scale
- abort4
Abortion Opinion: Self-Placement, 4 Categories
- abortpre_4point
Abortion Opinion: Self-Placement, 4 Categories
- aidblack_self
Support for Government assistance to blacks scale, 7 point scale
- auth_consid
Child trait more important: considerate or well-behaved
- auth_cur
Child trait more important: curiosity or good manners
- auth_ind
Child trait more important: independence or respect
- auth_obed
Child trait more important: obedience or self-reliance
- authoritarianism
Authoritarianism (4 point scale based on child trait questions)
- black
Is Respondent Black?
- budget_deficit_x
Favor reducing the Federal budget deficit, 7 point scale
- caseid
Case ID
- casistart_iwrset4
Does Respondent have a dog (Interview set-up test)
- casistartpo_iwrset4
Does Respondent have a dog (Interview set-up test)
- cog_opin_x
Number of opinions Respondent has compared to average person
- congapp_job_x
Approval of Congress
- congapp_jobst
Strength of approve/disapprove Congress handling its job
- conservatism
ftgr_cons minus ftgr_liberals
- cses_closepty
Close to any political party?
- cses_contct
Campaign mobilization: institutional contact
- cses_email
Campaign mobilization: institutional contact - email
- cses_ftf
Campaign mobilization: institutional contact - in person
- cses_gotv
Respondent contacted by party/candidate?
- cses_govtact
Support for government action income inequality (5 point scale)
- cses_govtact_3
Government action on income inequality (3 point scale)
- cses_mail
Campaign mobilization: institutional contact - by mail
- cses_mobph
Campaign mobilization: sign up online information or alerts
- cses_perseml
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - email
- cses_persftf
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - in person
- cses_persmail
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - by mail
- cses_persph
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - by phone
- cses_perstxt
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - text message
- cses_persuade
Campaign mobilization: personal contact
- cses_persweb
Campaign mobilization: personal contact - social network
- cses_phone
Campaign mobilization: institutional contact - by phone
- cses_poliinffour
Political information - Secretary of the U.N.
- cses_poliinfone
Political information - Secretary of the Treasury
- cses_poliinfthree
Political information - party 2nd in House seats won
- cses_polinf_x
Pol info scale
- cses_polinftwo
Political information - unemployment rate
- cses_polinftwo_date
Political information - date used for date of unemployment rate
- cses_polinftwo_rate
Political information - number used for unemployment rate
- cses_spending
Econ conservatism (numeric scale)
- deathpen
Death Penalty Opinion
- defsppr_self
Support for defense spending, 7 point scale
- dem
Party identification: Does Respondent self-identify as Democrat? (coded 0/1)
- dem_age_group_r
Demographic: Age Groups
- dem_age3
Demographic: Age group
- dem_age6
Demographic: Six Age Groups
- dem_agegrp_iwdate
Demographic: Respondent age on interview date (age group)
- dem_educ3
Demographic: Education
- dem_edugroup
Demographic: Respondent level of highest education
- dem_hisp
Demographic: Is Respondent Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino
- dem_marital
Demographic: Marital status
- dem_parents
Demographic: Native status of parents
- dem_racecps_black
Demographic: Race self-identification: mention Black
- dem_racecps_racedkrf
Demographic: Race self-identification with don't know or refused to say
- dem_racecps_white
Demographic: Race self-identification: mention White
- dem_raceeth
Demographic: Respondent race and ethnicity group
- dem_raceeth2
Demographic: White/Black
- dem_raceeth4
Demographic: Respondent race and ethnicity group
- dem_unionhh
Demographic: Anyone in household belong to labor union
- dem_veteran
Demographic: Respondent ever served on active duty in Armed Forces
- dem2_numchild
Demographic: Total Number of children in household
- dem3_ownhome
Demographic: Does Respondent family own/rent home
- dem3_yearscomm
Demographic: How many years has Respondent lived in this community?
- dhs_appterr_x
Homeland security: Approve/disapprove of efforts to reduce terrorism
- dhs_attack
Homeland security: Likely terrorist attack kill 100/more in next year?
- dhs_threat_x
Homeland security: Is fed. gov't a threat to rights and freedoms? (numeric scale)
- dhs_threat3
Homeland security: Is fed. gov't a threat to rights and freedoms?
- dhs_torture_x
Homeland security: Favor/Oppose torture for suspected terrorists
- dhsinvolv_board
Civic engagement: Has Respondent in past 4 years: attended city/school board meeting
- dhsinvolv_call
Civic engagement: Has Respondent in past 4 years: called radio/TV about political issue
- dhsinvolv_contact1
Civic engagement: Contact U.S. Representative or Senator
- dhsinvolv_letter
Civic engagement: written a letter to newspaper/magazine about political issue
- dhsinvolv_march
Civic engagement: Has Respondent joined a protest march
- dhsinvolv_message
Civic engagement: sent Facebook/Twitter message about political issue
- dhsinvolv_netpetition
Civic engagement: Has Respondent in past 4 years: sign internet petition
- dhsinvolv_org
Civic engagement: Has Respondent in past 4 years: gave money to social/political organization
- dhsinvolv_petition
Civic engagement: Has Respondent signed paper petition
- dhsinvolv_relig
Civic engagement: Has Respondent in past 4 years: given money to religious organization
- discrim_blacks
Discrimination: Amount against Blacks
- discrim_blacks_r
Discrimination: Against Blacks? (yes/no)
- discrim_gays
Discrimination: Amount against Gays and Lesbians?
- discrim_gays_r
Discrimination: Against gays? (yes/no)
- discrim_hispanics
Discrimination: Amount against Hispanics
- discrim_hispanics_r
Discrimination: Against Hispanics? (yes/no)
- discrim_scale
Discrimination: How much discrimination against blacks, gays, Hispanics, women? (Sum of yes answers)
- discrim_self
Discrimination: How much discrimination faced personally?
- discrim_whites
Discrimination: Amount against Whites
- discrim_women
Discrimination: Amount against Women
- discrim_women_r
Discrimination: Against women? (yes/no)
- discuss_disc
Ever discuss politics with family or friends
- discuss_discpstwk
Days in past week discussed politics
- ecblame_fmpr
Economy: How much is former President to blame for poor economy?
- ecblame_pres
Economy: How much is President to blame for poor economy?
- econ_ecnext_x
Economy: U.S. economy better or worse 1 year from now
- econ_ecnextamt
Economy: How much better/worse next 12 months
- econ_ecnow
Economy: Currently good or bad
- econ_ecpast
Economy: Better/worse in last year
- econ_ecpast_x
Economy: Better or worse than 1 year ago
- econ_ecpastamt
Economy: How much better/worse in last year
- econ_unlast
Economy: How much unemployment better/worse in last year
- econ_unnext
Economy: More/less unemployment in next year
- econ_unpast
Economy: Unemployment better/worse in last year
- econ_unpast_x
Economy: Unemployment better/worse than 1 year ago
- econcand_dwin
Economy: Better/worse if Democratic Presidential candidate wins
- econcand_rwin
Economy: Better/worse if Republican Presidential candidate wins
- ecperil_home
How do you pay for your home?
- effic_carerev
Political efficacy: Public officials don't care what people think
- effic_carestd
Political efficacy: Public officials don't care what people think
- effic_complicrev
Political efficacy: Politics/government too complicated to understand
- effic_complicstd
Political efficacy: Politics/government too complicated to understand
- effic_external
Political efficacy: External political efficacy (numeric scale)
- effic_external3
Political efficacy: External political efficacy (3 categories)
- effic_internal
Political efficacy: Internal political efficacy (numeric scale)
- effic_internal3
Political efficacy: Internal political efficacy (3 categories)
- effic_sayrev
Political efficacy: Have no say about what government does
- effic_saystd
Political efficacy: Have no say about what government does
- effic_undrev
Political efficacy: Good understanding of political issues
- effic_undstd
Political efficacy: Good understanding of political issues
- efficpo_bothside
Political efficacy: How often see both disagreeing parties as right
- egal_bigprob
Equality: It's a big problem that we don't give equal chance to succeed
- egal_equal
Equality: Society should make sure everyone has equal opportunity
- egal_fewerprobs
Equality: If people were treated more fairly would be fewer problems
- egal_notbigprob
Equality: Not a big problem if some have more chance in life
- egal_scale
Equality: Egalitarianism (numeric scale)
- egal_scale_3
Equality: Egalitarianism: 3 categories
- egal_toofar
Equality: We have gone too far pushing equal rights
- egal_worryless
Equality: We'd be better off if worried less about equality
- envir
Environment: Environment more important response (on envjob_3) as 0/100
- envir_drill
Environment: Favor/oppose increased U.S. offshore drilling
- envir_gwarm
Environment: Is global warming happening or not
- envir_gwgood
Environment: Rising temperatures good or bad
- envir_gwhow
Environment: Anthropogenic climate change
- envir_nuke
Environment: Should US have more/fewer nuclear power plants
- enviro.yes
Environment: Environment more important response (on envjob_3) as 0/100
- envjob_3
Environment: Environment or jobs more important?
- envjob_self
Environment: 7 point scale environment-jobs tradeoff
- fairjob_opin_x
Opinion about government ensuring fair jobs for blacks
- fedspend_child
Federal budget increase/decrease: child care
- fedspend_childr
Federal budget increase/decrease: child care (rev. scale)
- fedspend_crime
Federal budget increase/decrease: crime control
- fedspend_crimer
Federal budget increase/decrease: crime control (rev. scale)
- fedspend_enviro
Federal budget increase/decrease: protecting environment
- fedspend_enviror
Federal budget increase/decrease: protecting environment (rev. scale)
- fedspend_poor
Federal budget increase/decrease: aid to the poor
- fedspend_poorr
Federal budget increase/decrease: aid to the poor (rev. scale)
- fedspend_scale
Federal Spending Scale (numeric scale, sum of increase responses)
- fedspend_schools
Federal budget increase/decrease: public schools
- fedspend_schoolsr
Federal budget increase/decrease: public schools (rev. scale)
- fedspend_scitech
Federal budget increase/decrease: science and technology
- fedspend_scitechr
Federal budget increase/decrease: science and technology (rev. scale)
- fedspend_ss
Federal budget increase/decrease: Social Security
- fedspend_ssr
Federal budget increase/decrease: Social Security (rev. scale)
- fedspend_welfare
Federal budget increase/decrease: welfare programs
- fedspend_welfarer
Federal budget increase/decrease: welfare programs (rev. scale)
- fem3
Feeling about feminists (recode of ftgr_feminists into 3 categories)
- finance_finfam
Financial situation: Respondent living with how many family members
- finance_finnext_x
Financial situation: Better or worse off 1 year from now
- finance_finpast_x
Financial situation: Better or worse off than 1 year ago
- ft_dem
Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Party
- ft_dpc
Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Presidential candidate
- ft_dvpc
Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate
- ft_gwb
Feeling Thermometer: G.W. Bush
- ft_hclinton
Feeling Thermometer: Hillary Clinton
- ft_rep
Feeling Thermometer: Republican Party
- ft_rpc
Feeling Thermometer: Republican Presidential candidate
- ft_rvpc
Feeling Thermometer: Republican Vice-Pres candidate
- ftcasi_asian
Feeling thermometer: Asian-Americans
- ftcasi_black
Feeling thermometer: Blacks
- ftcasi_hisp
Feeling thermometer: Hispanics
- ftcasi_illegal
Feeling thermometer: Illegal Immigrants
- ftcasi_white
Feeling thermometer: Whites
- ftf_oversample
Was Respondent a 2012 Time Series Oversample Case?
- ftgr_atheists
Feeling thermometer: Atheists
- ftgr_bigbus
Feeling thermometer: Big Business
- ftgr_catholics
Feeling thermometer: Catholics
- ftgr_congress
Feeling thermometer: Congress
- ftgr_cons
Feeling thermometer: Conservatives
- ftgr_fedgov
Feeling thermometer: Federal Government
- ftgr_fem3
Feeling thermometer: Feminists (3 categories)
- ftgr_feminists
Feeling thermometer: Feminists
- ftgr_gay
Feeling thermometer: Gay Men and Lesbians
- ftgr_liberals
Feeling thermometer: Liberals
- ftgr_middle
Feeling thermometer: Middle Class People
- ftgr_military
Feeling thermometer: The Military
- ftgr_mormons
Feeling thermometer: Mormons
- ftgr_muslims
Feeling thermometer: Muslims
- ftgr_poor
Feeling thermometer: Poor People
- ftgr_rich
Feeling thermometer: Rich People
- ftgr_tea
Feeling thermometer: Tea Party
- ftgr_unions
Feeling thermometer: Labor Unions
- ftgr_ussc
Feeling thermometer: The U.S. Supreme Court
- ftgr_welfare
Feeling thermometer: People on Welfare
- ftgr_working
Feeling thermometer: Working Class People
- ftgr_xfund
Feeling thermometer: Christian Fundamentalists
- ftgr_xian
Feeling thermometer: Christians
- ftpo_dpcsp
Feeling thermometer: Spouse of Democratic Presidential candidate
- ftpo_dvpc
Feeling thermometer: Democratic Vice Presidential candidate
- ftpo_hdc
Feeling thermometer: House Democratic Candidate
- ftpo_hoth
Feeling thermometer: House Independent/3rd-party Candidate
- ftpo_hrc
Feeling thermometer: House Republican Candidate
- ftpo_pres
Feeling thermometer: Democratic Presidential candidate
- ftpo_roberts
Feeling thermometer: John Roberts
- ftpo_rpc
Feeling thermometer: Republican Presidential candidate
- ftpo_rpcsp
Feeling thermometer: Spouse of Republican Presidential candidate
- ftpo_rvpc
Feeling thermometer: Republican Vice Presidential candidate
- ftpo_sdc
Feeling thermometer: Senate Democratic Candidate
- ftpo_senjr
Feeling thermometer: Jr. Senator in State Without Race
- ftpo_sennot
Feeling thermometer: Non-running Senator in State W/Race
- ftpo_sensr
Feeling thermometer: Sr. Senator in State Without Race
- ftpo_soth
Feeling thermometer: Senate Independent/3rd-party Candidate
- ftpo_src
Feeling thermometer: Senate Republican Candidate
- gay_adopt
Gay rights: gayrt_adopt==1. Yes
- gay_disc
Gay rights: gayrt_discstd_x==1. Approve strongly
- gay_marry
Gay rights: Approve same-sex marriage?
- gay_mil
Gay rights: gayrt_milstd_x==1. Feel strongly that homosexuals should be allowed to serve
- gay_rights3
Gay rights: Gay Rights Support (3 categories)
- gayrt_adopt
Gay rights: Should gay and lesbian couples be allowed to adopt?
- gayrt_discrev_x
Gay rights: favor laws against gays/lesbians job discrimination (rev.)
- gayrt_discstd_x
Gay rights: favor laws against gays/lesbians job discrimination
- gayrt_marry
Gay rights: Respondent position on gay marriage
- gayrt_milrev_x
Gay rights: allow gays/lesbians serve in US armed forces (reversed)
- gayrt_milstd_x
Gay rights: allow gays/lesbians serve in US armed forces
- gender
Respondent's Gender
- govrole_scale
Pro-government scale (numeric scale)
- guarpr_self
Should gov't guarantee a job and standard of living? (7 point scale)
- gun_control
Gun control: Should federal gov't make it more difficult to buy a gun?
- gun_control2
Gun control: Make it more difficult to buy a gun?
- gun_importance
Gun control: Importance of gun access issue to R
- gun_importance3
Gun control: How important is gun issue?
- happ_lifesatisf
How satisfied is Respondent with life?
- health_2010hcr_x
Health care: Support 2010 health care law
- health_insured
Health care: Does Respondent have health insurance
- health_self
Health care: Health of Respondent
- health_smoke
Health care: Smoked Cigarettes
- health_smokeamt
Health care: If smoked, how many now
- hispanic
Is Respondent Hispanic?
- hlthlaw_num
Health care: Health Care Law effect on number insured
- hlthlaw_qual
Health care: Health Care Law effect on health care services
- hseinc_approval
Congress: Approve or disapprove of House incumbent
- hseinc_approval_x
Congress: House incumbent approval
- hseinc_appstr
Congress: How much approve House incumbent
- hseinc_disstr
Congress: How much disapprove House incumbent
- hseinc_hinctouch
Congress: How good a job does House incumbent do in district
- immig_checks
Immigration: Opinion on immigration status checks on suspects
- immig_citizen
Immigration: Opinion on allowing citizenship to some illegal aliens
- immig_policy
Immigration: U.S. government policy toward unauthorized immigrants
- immigpo_jobs
Immigration: How likely immigration will take away jobs
- immigpo_level
Immigration: What should immigration levels be
- imports_limit
Favor or oppose limits on foreign imports
- inc_incgroup_pre
Respondent's family income
- incgroup_prepost
Respondent's family income
- income5
Respondent's income quintile
- indifference
Indifference scale
- ineq_incgap_x
Income gap size compared to 20 years ago
- ineqinc_ineqgb
Is increased income inequality in U.S. good?
- ineqinc_ineqreduc
Does Respondent favor/oppose government reducing income inequality?
- inspre_self
Health care: Should care be insured by government or by private medical insurance? (7 point scale)
- involv_contact
Involvement in politics: Contact congress?
- involv_message
Involvement in politics: post political message?
- involv_numorgs_4
Involvement in politics: Number of group memberships
- involv_org
Involvement in politics: Give money to political organization?
- involv_petition
Involvement in politics: Sign net petition?
- involv_voltr
Involvement in politics: Has Respondent done any volunteer work in past 12 months?
- israel_support
Is U.S. too supportive of Israel or not supportive enough
- knowl_housemaj
Political knowledge: Know party with most members in House?
- knowl_senmaj
Political knowledge: Know party with most members in Senate?
- libcon3
Respondent's Political Ideology (3 categories)
- libcpo_self
Respondent's Political Ideology (7 point scale)
- libcpre_ptyd
Ideological placement of Democrats (7 point scale)
- libcpre_ptyr
Ideological placement of Republicans (7 point scale)
- libcpre_rpc
Ideological placement of Republican Pres. Candidate (7 point scale)
- libcpre_self
Respondent's Political Ideology (7 point scale)
- libcpre_self_x
Respondent's Political Ideology (7 point scale)
- link_black_scale
Linked fate: blacks
- link_hisp_scale
Linked fate: Hispanics
- link_oth_scale
Linked fate: other people
- link_white_scale
Linked fate: whites
- link_wom_scale
Linked fate: women
- married
Demographic: Is Respondent married?
- mobilpo_x
Campaign mobilization: Respondent contacted by Party, Candidates, GOTV (numeric scale)
- mode
Mode of interview (face-to-face or internet)
- modsex_disc
Sex discrimination: How much job discrimination against women
- modsex_discamt
Sex discrimination: Discrimination against women
- modsex_media_x
Sex discrimination: How much attention media should pay to discrimination against women
- modsex_oppor_x
Sex discrimination: Opportunities compared for women and men
- modsex_prob
Sex discrimination: Do women complaining about discrimination cause more problems
- modsex_scale
Sex discrimination: Modern sexism
- modsex_special
Sex discrimination: Do women demanding equality seek special favors
- modsex_wommore
Sex discrimination: How much more opportunities do women have
- mormon_xn
Mormon a Christian religion?
- nesw
Sampling weights: Weight variable
- nesw_rnd
Sampling weights: Weight variable (rounded)
- obama_therm
Obama Rating
- obama_vote
Respondent vote for Obama?
- orientn_knowgay
Sexual orientation of family and friends
- orientn_rgay
Respondent's sexual orientation
- own_dog
Does Respondent own a dog?
- owngun_owngun
Does Respondent own a gun
- patriot_amident
Patriotism: Important being American
- patriot_flag
Patriotism: Emotion seeing flag fly
- patriot_love
Patriotism: Love of country
- patriotism
Patriotism scale
- penalty_dpenstr
Strength Respondent favors/opposes death penalty
- penalty_favdpen
Respondent favor/oppose death penalty
- penalty_favopp_x
Favor death penalty?
- pid_3
Party Identification, 3 categories
- pid_x
Party Identification, 7 categories
- polknow_combined
Political knowledge: Number political facts correct
- polknow3
Political knowledge, 3 categories
- postvote_presvt
Did Respondent vote for President
- postvote_presvtwho
For whom did Respondent vote for President
- postvote_rvote
Did Respondent vote in the November general election
- postvote_votehs
Did Respondent vote for U.S. House of Representatives
- pot_legal
Should marijuana be legal?
- pot_legal3
Legalize marijuana?
- preknow_leastsp
Political knowledge: Program that federal gov't spends the least on
- preknow_medicare
Political knowledge: What is Medicare
- preknow_prestimes
Political knowledge: Number of times president can be elected
- preknow_senterm
Political knowledge: Years Senator Elected
- preknow_sizedef
Political knowledge: Size of federal deficit
- preknow3
Political knowledge, 3 categories
- pres_econ
Presidential approval: Handling of economy (Recode of presapp_econ)
- pres_vote12
Respondent's vote in 2012 presidential election
- presapp_econ_x
Presidential approval: Handling of economy
- presapp_foreign
Presidential approval: Handling of foreign relations
- presapp_foreign_x
Presidential approval: Handling of foreign relations
- presapp_health_x
Presidential approval: Handling of health care
- presapp_job_x
Presidential approval: Handling of job
- presapp_scale
Presidential approval scale
- presapp_war_x
Presidential approval: Handling of war in Afghanistan
- presvote2012_2
Respondent's vote in 2012 presidential election
- presvote2012_x
Respondent's vote in 2012 presidential election
- preswin_care
Care who wins Presidential Election
- preswin_dutychoice_x
Does Respondent consider voting as duty/choice
- prevote_primv
Did Respondent vote in the Presidential primary or caucus
- prevote_primvwho
Which candidate did Respondent vote for in Pres. primary or caucus
- prochoice_scale
Abortion: Pro-choice Scale
- relig_4cat
Religion: Catholic, other Christian, other, or not religious?
- relig_attend
Religion: Attend services
- relig_attend3
Religion: Attend services
- relig_bornagn
Religion: Does Christian Respondent consider self born-again?
- relig_guide
Religion: Provides guidance in day-to-day living
- relig_imp
Religion: Important to Respondent?
- relig_imp2
Religion: Important to Respondent?
- relig_import
Religion: Important part of Respondent's life
- relig_pray
Religion: How often does Respondent pray
- relig_wordgod
Religion: Is Bible word of God or men
- resent_deserve
Black community: Agree/disagree blacks have gotten less than deserve
- resent_racial_scale
Black community: Racial conservatism scale
- resent_slavery
Black community: Agree/disagree past slavery make life more difficult
- resent_try
Black community: Agree/disagree blacks must try harder to get ahead
- resent_workway
Black community: Agree/disagree that blacks should work way up without special favors
- rvote2012_x
Did Respondent vote in November general election?
- sample_district
Respondent's Congressional district (in 113th U.S. Congress)
- sample_ftfpsu
Sample strata: Primary sampling unit for face-to-face cases
- sample_state
State of Respondent address
- science_use
How often should gov't use scientific methods to solve problems?
- scourt_elim_x
Should the Supreme Court be done away with?
- scourt_remove_x
Should it be possible to remove Supreme Court justices?
- south
Respondent from South?
- spsrvpr_ssself
Support for government services/spending (7 point scale)
- strata_ftf
Sample strata for face-to-face sample component
- strata_full
Sample strata for full sample
- tarp_favopp_x
Favor the TARP program?
- tea_supp_x
Tea Party support
- trad_adjust
Traditional values: Agree/disagree world is changing we should adjust
- trad_famval
Traditional values: Agree/disagree that more emphasis needed on traditional family values
- trad_lifestyle
Traditional values: Agree/disagree are newer lifestyles are breaking down society
- trad_tolerant
Traditional values: Agree/disagree that one should be more tolerant of other moral standards
- trad_values_scale
Traditional values: Moral traditionalism scale
- trust_social
Trust: How often can people be trusted?
- trustgov_bigintrst
Trust: Is government run by a few big interests or for benefit of all?
- trustgov_corrpt
Trust: How many in government are corrupt?
- trustgov_trustgrev
Trust: How often trust gov't in Wash to do what is right? (reversed)
- trustgov_trustgstd
Trust: How often trust government in Wash to do what is right?
- trustgov_waste
Trust: Does government waste much tax money?
- trustgvpo_crook
Trust: How many in government are crooked?
- usworld_stay
International relations: Country better off if we just stayed home
- usworld_stronger
International relations: During last year, U.S. position in world is weaker/stronger/same?
- version
ANES 2012 Time Series Release Version
- voted2008
Did Respondent vote for President in 2008? (Recode of interest_voted2008)
- voted2012
Did Respondent vote in 2012?
- voter_type
Voter type (non, new, voter)
- weight_ftf
Post-stratified weight for face-to-face cases, preliminary
- weight_full
Post-stratified weight for full sample, preliminary release
- weight_web
Post-stratified weight for web cases, preliminary release
- white
Is Respondent white?
- wiretap_warrant
Wiretaps: Favor or oppose authority to wiretap terrorism suspects?
- wiretappo_toofar
Wiretaps: Has government power gone too far?
- women_bond_x
Working women: Harder to establish bond with child?
- women_role
Working women: Women's role (numeric scale)
- women_role_2
Working women: Women's role at home or work?
- women_works_x
Working women: Better if man works and woman takes care of home and family?
- wpres_gdbd_x
How good/bad to have woman president in next 20 years?
- wt
Sampling weight
- year
ANES year
2012 American National Election Survey. See Appendix Table A.2 of printed textbook for further information