Robust M-Estimators Based on Transformations for Poisson Model

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Documentation for package ‘poissonMT’ version 0.3-5

Help Pages

glmrobMT Robust Fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models using MT robust method
poissonL2T Fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models using MT method with L2 rho function
poissonMT Robust Fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models using MT robust method
poissonMTgetwd Set and get working directory for the package.
poissonMTinitial Initial Robust Estimates based on MT robust method for fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models
poissonMTinitialParallel Initial Robust Estimates based on MT robust method for fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models
poissonMTsetwd Set and get working directory for the package.
poissonSSinitial Initial Robust Estimates based on SubSampling method for fitting of Poisson Generalized Linear Models