poisson.glm.mix {poisson.glm.mix}R Documentation

Estimation of high dimensional Poisson GLMs via EM algorithm.


This package can be used to cluster high dimensional count data under the presence of covariates. A mixture of Poisson Generalized Linear models (GLM's) is proposed. Conditionally to the covariates, Poisson multivariate distribution describing each cluster is a product of independent Poisson distributions. Different parameterizations for the slopes are proposed. Case of partioning the response variables into a set of replicates is considered. Poisson GLM mixture is estimated via Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm with Newton-Raphson steps. An efficient initialization of EM algorithm is proposed to improve parameter estimation. It is a splitting scheme which is combined with a Small EM strategy. The user is referred to the function pois.glm.mix for an automatic evaluation of the proposed methodology.


Package: poisson.glm.mix
Type: Package
Version: 1.4
Date: 2023-08-19

Assume that the observed data can be written as y=(y1,,yn)y = (y_{1},\ldots,y_{n}) where yi={yij;j=1,,J,=1,,Lj}y_i=\{y_{ij\ell};j = 1, \ldots,J,\ell = 1, \ldots,L_{j}\}, yiZ+dy_i\in Z_+^{d}, i=1,,ni = 1,\ldots,n, with d=j=1JLjd = \sum_{j=1}^{J}L_{j} and Lj1L_j \geq 1, j=1,,Jj=1,\ldots,J. Index ii denotes the observation, while the vector L=(L1,,LJ)L=(L_1,\ldots,L_J) defines a partition of the dd variables into JJ blocks: the first block consists of the first L1L_1 variables, the second block consists of the next L2L_2 variables and so on. We will refer to jj and \ell using the terms “condition” and “replicate”, respectively. In addition to yy, consider that a vector of VV covariates is observed, denoted by xi:={xiv;v=1,,V}x_{i} := \{x_{iv};v=1,\ldots,V\}, for all i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots,n. Assume now that conditional to xix_{i}, a model indicator mm taking values in the discrete set {1,2,3}\{1,2,3\} and a positive integer KK, the response yiy_{i}, is a realization of the corresponding random vector

Yixi,mk=1Kπkj=1J=1LjP(μijk;m)Y_{i}|x_{i}, m\sim \sum_{k = 1}^{K}\pi_{k}\prod_{j=1}^{J}\prod_{\ell=1}^{L_{j}}\mathcal P(\mu_{ij\ell k;m})

where P\mathcal P denotes the Poisson distribution. The following parameterizations for the Poisson means μijk;m\mu_{ij\ell k;m} are considered: If m=1m=1 (the “βjk\beta_{jk}” parameterization), then

μijk;m:=αjk+γj+v=1Vβjkvxi.\mu_{ij\ell k;m}:=\alpha_{jk}+\gamma_{j\ell}+\sum_{v=1}^{V}\beta_{jkv}x_i.

If m=2m=2 (the “βj\beta_{j}” parameterization), then

μijk;m:=αjk+γj+v=1Vβjvxi.\mu_{ij\ell k;m}:=\alpha_{jk}+\gamma_{j\ell}+\sum_{v=1}^{V}\beta_{jv}x_i.

If m=3m=3 (the “βk\beta_{k}” parameterization), then

μijk;m:=αjk+γj+v=1Vβkvxi.\mu_{ij\ell k;m}:=\alpha_{jk}+\gamma_{j\ell}+\sum_{v=1}^{V}\beta_{kv}x_i.

For identifiability purposes assume that =1Ljγj=0\sum_{\ell=1}^{L_j}\gamma_{j\ell}=0, j=1,,Jj=1,\ldots,J.


Papastamoulis Panagiotis Maintainer: Papastamoulis Panagiotis <papapast@yahoo.gr>


Papastamoulis, P., Martin-Magniette, M. L., & Maugis-Rabusseau, C. (2016). On the estimation of mixtures of Poisson regression models with large number of components. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 93, 97-106.


## load a small dataset of 500 observations
## in this example there is V = 1 covariates (x)
##   and d = 6 response variables (y). The design is
##   L = (3,2,1).
V <- 1
x <- array(sim.data[,1],dim=c(dim(sim.data)[1],V))
y <- sim.data[,-1]

## We will run the algorithm using parameterization
##   m = 1 and the number of components in the set
##   {2,3,4}.

rr<-pois.glm.mix(reference=x, response=y, L=c(3,2,1), m=1, 
                  max.iter=1000, Kmin=2, Kmax= 4, 
                  m1=3, m2=3, t1=3, t2=3, msplit=4, tsplit=3,mnr = 5)

# note: useR should specify larger values for Kmax, m1, m2, t1,
#	 t2, msplit and tsplit for a complete analysis.

# retrieve the selected models according to BIC or ICL
# retrieve the estimates according to ICL
# alpha
# beta
# gamma
# pi
# frequency table with estimated clusters
# histogram of the maximum conditional probabilities

##(the full data of 5000 observations can be loaded using 
##     data("simulated_data_15_components_bjk_full")

[Package poisson.glm.mix version 1.4 Index]