info_columns_from_tbl {pointblank}R Documentation

Add column information from another data table


The info_columns_from_tbl() function is a wrapper around the info_columns() function and is useful if you wish to apply info text to columns where that information already exists in a data frame (or in some form that can readily be coaxed into a data frame). The form of the input tbl (the one that contains column metadata) has a few basic requirements:

Each column that matches across tables (i.e., the tbl and the target table of the informant) will have a new entry for the "info" property. Empty or missing info text will be pruned from tbl.


info_columns_from_tbl(x, tbl, .add = TRUE)



The pointblank informant object

⁠obj:<ptblank_informant>⁠ // required

A pointblank informant object that is commonly created through the use of the create_informant() function.


Metadata table with column information

⁠obj:<tbl_*>⁠ // required

The two-column data frame which contains metadata about the target table in the informant object.


Add to existing info text

⁠scalar<logical>⁠ // default: TRUE

Should new text be added to existing text? This is TRUE by default; setting to FALSE replaces any existing text for the "info" property.


A ptblank_informant object.


Create a pointblank informant object with create_informant(). We can specify a tbl with the ~ followed by a statement that gets the game_revenue dataset.

informant <- 
    tbl = ~ game_revenue,
    tbl_name = "game_revenue",
    label = "An example."

We can add info text to describe the data in the various columns of the table by using info_columns() or information in another table (with info_columns_from_tbl()). Here, we'll do the latter. The game_revenue_info dataset is included in pointblank and it contains metadata for game_revenue.

#> # A tibble: 11 x 2
#>    column           info                                                        
#>    <chr>            <chr>                                                       
#>  1 player_id        A `character` column with unique identifiers for each user/~
#>  2 session_id       A `character` column that contains unique identifiers for e~
#>  3 session_start    A date-time column that indicates when the session (contain~
#>  4 time             A date-time column that indicates exactly when the player p~
#>  5 item_type        A `character` column that provides the class of the item pu~
#>  6 item_name        A `character` column that provides the name of the item pur~
#>  7 item_revenue     A `numeric` column with the revenue amounts per item purcha~
#>  8 session_duration A `numeric` column that states the length of the session (i~
#>  9 start_day        A `Date` column that provides the date of first login for t~
#> 10 acquisition      A `character` column that provides the method of acquisitio~
#> 11 country          A `character` column that provides the probable country of ~

The info_columns_from_tbl() function takes a table object where the first column has the column names and the second contains the info text.

informant <-
  informant %>%
  info_columns_from_tbl(tbl = game_revenue_info)

Upon printing the informant object, we see the additions made to the 'Columns' section by the info_columns_from_tbl(tbl = game_revenue_info) call.

This image was generated from the first code example in the `info_columns_from_tbl()` help file.

We can continue to add more info text to describe the columns since the process is additive. The info_columns_from_tbl() function populates the info subsection and any calls of info_columns() that also target a info subsection will append text. Here, we'll add content for the item_revenue and acquisition columns and view the updated report.

informant <-
  informant %>%
    columns = item_revenue,
    info = "Revenue reported in USD."
  ) %>%
    columns = acquisition,
    `top list` = "{top5_aq}"
  ) %>%
    snippet_name = "top5_aq",
    fn = snip_list(column = "acquisition")
  ) %>%

This image was generated from the second code example in the `info_columns_from_tbl()` help file.

Function ID


See Also

The info_columns() function, which allows for manual entry of info text.

Other Information Functions: info_columns(), info_section(), info_snippet(), info_tabular(), snip_highest(), snip_list(), snip_lowest(), snip_stats()

[Package pointblank version 0.12.1 Index]