Probability Models for Ranking Data

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pmr-package Probability Models for Ranking Data
ahp The Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
big4 big4
breasttissue breasttissue
dbm Distance-based Models
destat Descriptive statistics of a ranking dataset
idea idea
leisure.white leisure.white
local.knn Local k-nearest neighbor method for label ranking. Local k-nearest neighbor method for label ranking.
mdpref Multidimensional preference analysis.
phicom phi-component Models
pl The Luce Models
pmr Probability Models for Ranking Data
rankagg Summary of a ranking dataset.
rankplot Visualizing rankings of 3 or 4 items by plot.
rinv Inverse of a ranking dataset.
rol The Rank-ordered Logit Models
song song
wdbm Weighted Distance-based Models