Generate PMML for Various Models

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Documentation for package ‘pmml’ version 2.5.2

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add_attributes Add attribute values to an existing element in a given PMML file.
add_data_field_attributes Add attribute values to an existing DataField element in a given PMML file
add_data_field_children Add 'Interval' and 'Value' child elements to a given DataField element in a given PMML file.
add_mining_field_attributes Add attribute values to an existing MiningField element in a given PMML file.
add_output_field Add Output nodes to a PMML object.
audit Audit: artificially constructed dataset
file_to_xml_node Read in a file and parse it into an object of type XMLNode.
function_to_pmml Convert an R expression to PMML.
houseVotes84 Modified 1984 United States Congressional Voting Records Database
make_intervals Create Interval elements, most likely to add to a DataDictionary element.
make_output_nodes Add Output nodes to a PMML object.
make_values Create Values element, most likely to add to a DataDictionary element.
pmml Generate the PMML representation for R objects.
pmml.ada Generate the PMML representation for an ada object from the package 'ada'.
pmml.ARIMA Generate PMML for an ARIMA object the *forecast* package.
pmml.coxph Generate the PMML representation for a coxph object from the package 'survival'. Generate the PMML representation for a cv.glmnet object from the package 'glmnet'.
pmml.gbm Generate the PMML representation for a gbm object from the package 'gbm'.
pmml.glm Generate the PMML representation for a glm object from the package 'stats'.
pmml.hclust Generate the PMML representation for a hclust object from the package 'amap'.
pmml.iForest Generate PMML for an iForest object from the *isofor* package.
pmml.itemsets Generate the PMML representation for a rules or an itemset object from package 'arules'.
pmml.kmeans Generate the PMML representation for a kmeans object from the package 'stats'.
pmml.ksvm Generate the PMML representation for a ksvm object from the package 'kernlab'.
pmml.lm Generate the PMML representation for an lm object from the package 'stats'.
pmml.multinom Generate the PMML representation for a multinom object from package 'nnet'.
pmml.naiveBayes Generate the PMML representation for a naiveBayes object from the package 'e1071'.
pmml.neighbr Generate PMML for a neighbr object from the *neighbr* package.
pmml.nnet Generate the PMML representation for a nnet object from package 'nnet'.
pmml.randomForest Generate the PMML representation for a randomForest object from the package 'randomForest'.
pmml.rpart Generate the PMML representation for an rpart object from the package 'rpart'.
pmml.rules Generate the PMML representation for a rules or an itemset object from package 'arules'.
pmml.svm Generate the PMML representation of an svm object from the 'e1071' package.
pmml.xgb.Booster Generate PMML for a xgb.Booster object from the package 'xgboost'.
rename_wrap_var Rename a variable in the xform_wrap transform object.
save_pmml Save a pmml object as an external PMML file.
xform_discretize Discretize a continuous variable as indicated by interval mappings in accordance with the PMML element *Discretize*.
xform_function Add a function transformation to a xform_wrap object.
xform_map Implement a map between discrete values in accordance with the PMML element *MapValues*.
xform_min_max Normalize continuous values in accordance with the PMML element *NormContinuous*.
xform_norm_discrete Normalize discrete values in accordance with the PMML element *NormDiscrete*.
xform_wrap Wrap data in a data transformations object.
xform_z_score Perform a z-score normalization on continuous values in accordance with the PMML element *NormContinuous*.