Read Me First {pmclust}R Documentation

Read Me First Function


This function print the annotations of all variables used in this package.




This package is optimized in the way by pre-specifying several global variables in .pmclustEnv. These variables will be overwrote by EM algorithms. Users should use these names to access the results and utilize them with cautions.


A readme message will print on screen by default and explain the global variables used in this package, including:

CHECK convergent checking
CLASS.spmd true id of each data, a vector of length N.spmd and has values from 1 to K
COMM.RANK rank of current processor, obtained from comm.rank of pbdMPI
COMM.SIZE total processors in MPI world, obtained from comm.size of pbdMPI
CONTROL controls for EM iterations
PARAM set or parameters
SAVE.param (debug only) save parameters for every iterations
SAVE.iter (debug only) save computing time for every iterations
U.spmd temporary storage for density
W.spmd temporary storage for eta * density
W.spmd.rowSums temporary storage for rowSums of W.spmd
X.spmd generated data set with dimension with dimension N.spmd * p
Z.colSums temporary storage for rowSums of Z.spmd
Z.spmd posterior probabilities
p.times.logtwopi p * log(2 * pi)

Each variable may contain several elements if it is a list, some variables are used for temporary storages in order to optimize computing, and some variables are used for constant variables. These variables may be restricted, and only generated by the function

One can access these variables via the global environment .pmclustEnv such as .pmclustEnv$CONTROL.


Wei-Chen Chen and George Ostrouchov.


Programming with Big Data in R Website:

See Also


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package pmclust version 0.2-1 Index]