Useful Functions for Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘plutor’ version 0.1.0

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assign_colors assign colors by a column in a tibble, for the convenience to use 'scale_color_identity()'
bioletter_colors colors of nucleotides and amino acids
brewer_colors select colors from 'RColorBrewer' package presets
canvas_size width and height of built-in canvas
cm2in trans inch to cm
cm2inch trans cm to inch
cm2pt trans cm to pt
extract_compare extract the result of 'geom_compare' from a 'ggplot' object
geom2trace.GeomCompare geom2trace.GeomCompare
geom2trace.GeomDescribe geom2trace.GeomDescribe
GeomCompare GeomCompare
GeomDescribe GeomDescribe
geom_compare add p value and fold change on a plot
geom_describe Description values plot
gradient_colors generate gradient colors
in2cm trans inch to cm
in2mm trans inch to mm
inch2cm trans inch to cm
inch2mm trans inch to mm
lpt trans geom line point and theme line point to the real point
mini_diamond Minimal tibble dataset adjusted from diamond
mm2in trans mm to inch
mm2inch trans mm to inch
mm2pt trans mm to pt
plot_colors plot colors
pl_init set size, resolution and default theme
pl_save save plot, support save into a blank canvas
pl_size set repr size and resolution
PositionFloatxPL PositionFloatxPL
PositionFloatyPL PositionFloatyPL
position_floatxPL a new Position object to create float x position
position_floatyPL a new Position object to create float y position
ppt trans geom text or point to the real point
pt2cm trans pt to cm
pt2mm trans pt to mm
revert_pos_scale revert the position scale transformation
scale_ele scale element according to a vector of element scales
scale_x_continuous_pl A variant of 'scale_x_continuous()' to show axis minor breaks
scale_x_log10_pl A variant of 'scale_x_log10()' to show axis minor breaks and better axis labels
scale_y_continuous_pl A variant of 'scale_y_continuous()' to show axis minor breaks
scale_y_log10_pl A variant of 'scale_y_log10()' to show axis minor breaks and better axis labels
sci_colors select colors from 'ggsci' package presets
StatCompare StatCompare
StatCountPL StatCountPL
StatDescribe StatDescribe
StatFuncPL StatFuncPL
StatMeanPL StatMeanPL
theme_pl a new extensible theme
theme_pl0 a blank theme
tpt trans geom text or point to the real point
trans_pos_scale perform the position scale transformation